12 years agoLevel 2
Netbackup and 3PAR
I'm looking to use NBU 7.5 to handle our VM backups in our infrastructure which uses 3PAR F400 for storage. I've checked the compat lists and it looks like some elements are compatible but some are not. Can anyone offer advice on this if they are either currently using this setup or have came across this before?
The infrastructure is all W2K200x and we would be looking to do integrated backups of Exchange and Sharepoint as well as the usual file data.
NBU does not have a compatibility list for VM data stores. If 3PAR is supported by VMware, there is no reason why it won't work with NBU.
NBU for VMware only mentions Thin Provisioning in restore context.
It also says:For more information on virtual disk provisioning, refer to VMware's documentation.