Forum Discussion

GeoffBates's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

NetBackup: Cannot browse or restore SQL client backups

I am running NetBackup and SQL 2012 on a Windows 2012 cluster. I have been able to back up databases from the SQL instance, but when I try to use the client to do a restore, I get an error "Error encountered trying to read database images" followed by "You may have received this error if you do not have access rights to backup imanges created for <sqlinstance>".

The dbclient log shows  -

<2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
<2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 504
<4> CGlobalInformation::VCSVirtualNameList: INF - Veritas Cluster Server is not installed.
<1> CGlobalInformation::VCSVirtualNameList:     CONTINUATION: - The system cannot find the path specified.
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Searching for ODBC Driver: SQL Native Client
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Registry Install Path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Native Client\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - ODBC Driver Entry Registry Path: SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\SQL Native Client\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Registry entry not found for: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Native Client\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Searching for ODBC Driver: SQL Server
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Registry Install Path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DataAccess\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - ODBC Driver Entry Registry Path: SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\SQL Server\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - ODBC Driver: SQL Server is installed on the system
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Searching for ODBC Driver: SQL Server Native Client 10.0
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Registry Install Path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - ODBC Driver Entry Registry Path: SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\SQL Server Native Client 10.0\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Registry entry not found for: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Searching for ODBC Driver: SQL Server Native Client 11.0
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - Registry Install Path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - ODBC Driver Entry Registry Path: SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\SQL Server Native Client 11.0\
<4> ODBCDataSource::isInstalled: INF - ODBC Driver: SQL Server Native Client 11.0 is installed on the system
<4> getServerName: Read server name from nb_master_config: mtccbackup13
<4> CDBIniParms::CDBIniParms: INF - NT User is _sqlserver
<4> CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - Using ODBC Driver <SQL Server>
<4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_temp_14296_10600_1>, SQL userid <_sqlserver> handle <0x01108ad0>.
<4> CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - A successful connection to SQL Server <ETCCSPCLDB\> has been made using standard security with DSN <NBMSSQL_temp_14296_10600_1>
<4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x01108ad0>
<4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_temp_14296_10600_1>, SQL userid <_sqlserver> handle <0x011091f0>.
<4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x011091f0>
<4> CGlobalInformation::DeleteDSN: INF - Using ODBC Driver <SQL Server>
<4> getServerName: Read server name from nb_master_config: mtccbackup13
<2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
<2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 864
<4> CBSASession::createSession(): INF - An XBSA Session has been created.
<4> CDbbackupView::GetImageList: INF - XBSA Initialized.
<2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
<2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 848
<16> VxBSAQueryObject: ERR - dbc_get_string() failed 135

I had our Server Management group specifically give both nodes "Browse and restore ability" in the General tab of Client Attributes in Configuring Host Properties without any change to the outcome. I have the SQL server client set up correctly, and have tried running the NetBackup client as Administrator from both nodes and the virtual instance itself.

Any ideas?



  • When you browse for restores, the SQL server will send its local hostname as Source Client to the master.

    When you modify the hostname in the SQL Client GUI to the Virtual name, it sends the following to the master server:
    Client ETCCSPCLDB2 is requesting backup images for Client ETCCSPCLDB.

    The master treats these names as totally different Client names (i.e. redirected restore).
    Now, in NBU, client restore of a different client name is not allowed by default. 
    You need to add altnames files to allow client to perform redirected restore.

    All of this is documented in NBU for SQL Admin Guide: 

    See Redirecting a restore to a different host 
    and Performing a restore on a virtual SQL Server instance

    Hope this helps.

7 Replies

  • Yes. I learnt that one when I tried to do backups.

    I just had them add the virtual instance name as a client and gave it browse and restore ability, but still the same issue.

    The two nodes are ETCCSPCLDB1 and ETCCSPCLDB2, the virtual is ETCCSPCLDB. I backup up when logged in to ETCCSPCLDB, and it made the owner the node it was resident on at that time, ETCCSPCLDB2. I am logging in as the domain SQL Server service account, which should have all the permissions. Should I be logged in to ETCCSPCLDB or ETCCSPCLDB2?

  • Another possibility, see this older thread

    I was having a similar issue while trying to restore a database from one server to another.  It didn't work until I created the C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\altnames folder and the No.Restrictions file on the master server.  Once that was done, the restored started.

  • I've always connected to the virtual name. 

    Be sure to read the following post too.


  • Thanks. I will get them to create that in the morning and let you know the outcome.

  • When you browse for restores, the SQL server will send its local hostname as Source Client to the master.

    When you modify the hostname in the SQL Client GUI to the Virtual name, it sends the following to the master server:
    Client ETCCSPCLDB2 is requesting backup images for Client ETCCSPCLDB.

    The master treats these names as totally different Client names (i.e. redirected restore).
    Now, in NBU, client restore of a different client name is not allowed by default. 
    You need to add altnames files to allow client to perform redirected restore.

    All of this is documented in NBU for SQL Admin Guide: 

    See Redirecting a restore to a different host 
    and Performing a restore on a virtual SQL Server instance

    Hope this helps.

  • That was it. We added the two files ETCCSPCLDB1 and ETCCSPCLDB2, and I am now able to browse and restore. Your explanation and references to the relevant sections of the manual were a great help.