Well, perhaps I should put something together... But it will only be in January though, a bit busy at the moment...
When you say you ran into trouble, any specifics?
Granted, it is not covered in great details in the guide, so some additional information would be of use.
But let me write something brief here now;
The main problem is essentially that you need to install a full OpsCenter agent on either a Solaris 10 SPARC or a Windows 2003/2008 server as the integrated agent cannot collect the additional data required.
A working setup would be an OpsCenter server running on a Windows 2008R2 host, and then separately another Windows 2008R2 host with the OpsCenter agent installed. you would also need to install the Administration Console option of NetBackup on the agent host, so that it can use the admin commands to collect data.
You can install the agent on the OpsCenter server, but the installer is not very happy as you mix 32- and 64-bit. OpsCenter server is 64 bit only, and the agent is 32 bit only. I have gotten this to work, but would not do it in production... So a separate host for the agent. If your master server is either a Solaris or Windows host, then you could install the agent on the master directly.
You then configure the integrated agent for data collection of your master, to see that it works fine. You then add the agent and configure it to collect data from the same master. Important point here is that on the master server you would need to add the OpsCenter server and agent host to the additional hosts list in order to allow connections.
For the agent, enable collection of license deployment data; only then will the agent collect the required data.
The first run will take a while, as the agent would need to run through all backups for the past 30 days for all clients. So be patient...
Then in Manage > Deployment Analysis on the licensing tab, click on the Collect data and run report...
This will run for a few minutes at least. For example, in an environment with approx 500 clients, 45TB of data and about 600 policies it runs for almost three minutes on a virtualized Windows 2008R2 server.
Once finished, you can open the report and analyze the results. The tricky part here is that if the clients are found in multiple policies, then you would manually have to consolidate the results in order to remove any duplicates. Example; You have two policies for the same client, one to be used for monthly backups, and one for daily/weekly backups. If the client has 5TB frontend, those would potentially show up as 10TB. Granted, this sort of policy design is not really what I would use but I have seen quite a few customers splitting this way instead of using multiple schedules within the policy. But I hope you get the point of the results consolidation.
The spreadsheet contains multiple sheets, where the itemization sheet holds the data for each client and divide between storage type such as tape, PureDisk, Advanced Disk etc.