Forum Discussion

albatroz19's avatar
Level 5
5 months ago

Netbackup Catalog backup growing

in our environment we have a primary server with a catalog backup stabilized about 650Gb size with 2 week retention.
By few days it's growing and backup passed from 650GB to 930Gb and now to 1,1Tb by day. No particular actions performed on primary server, on the contrary we dismissed some client.

How can i check, why the catalog backup growing up very fast in last days?

Any suggestion is very appreciated.


  • You don't mention the OS of the Primary Server but the suggestions are the same for both Win / Linux.

    If the catalog is usually ~650GB consistently, then images that expire = new backups, so to almost double in size in just a few days is odd.

    First step is to do a recursive listing of /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images (or ...\veritas\netbackup\db\images ) and look at the size of files, what is 'big' that has appeared in the past few days ?

    The dir structure under images will show multiple client names
    Under each of these you will have subdirectories of ctime, 1 million seconds apart


    Under each of these you should have just .f files and .lck files, as well as a catstore dir which depending on backup size will contain around 10 files per image that is greater than a certain size (I forget the exact size, but if the .f file is > than I think 2GB it gets truncated to 72 bytes and the contents are split up into the multiple files in catstore - this is to make large backups more efficient to search.  The files under catstore will contain the ctime of the image as part of their filename).

    There shouldn't be any other files - although if you have catalog compression, the files will be compressed.

    Actually that's a thought, were you using catalog compression and it has been disabled perhaps, or catalog archiving and images have been unarchived ?

  • Hi,
    the primary server is Linux RHEL 6.10 (Santiago), and NBU
    By your answer, how can i check catalog compression has been disabled and maybe was activated, or images unarchived?

    Thanks and Regards,

    • mph999's avatar
      Level 6

      Have a look at the bpcatlist command

  • Hi,
    thanks for support. I don't know how it was possible but now the Catalog backup is returned about ~600Gb, and no actions performed by me.....


    • mph999's avatar
      Level 6

      Nope, me neither ...
      Let's put it down to mice with poor IT skills ...