Forum Discussion

Bill_Webster13's avatar
5 years ago

netbackup certification

I have been using Netbackup for years.  I want to get ceritfied.

Can some one recommend a certification prep guide for 8.0



  • Outside of taking a Veritas class, there aren't really any prep guides that I know of. If you've been using the product for years, I would suggest refreshing yourself on the basics/terminology and just taking the exam. Once you've seen how the test is laid out, you'll have a better idea on how to prepare incase you do not pass the exam.

  • If you're able to read the NetBackup Admin Guide Volume I and understand the concepts, you'll be fine to take the certification exam. From what I recall, nearly all of the questions came from the first admin guide, with a few from the volume II admin guide.

    There are a few materials available if you have a Veritas email, but not much in the public domain. There are some sites that contain sample questions for tests that would prepare you. Just look for VCS 277 exam guides or something similar.

    PS: I think the NetBackup 8.0 exam is being replaced, some time in 2020 (it may have already passed). The new tests will involve certificate management, which we all know is the simplest and most straightforward aspect of NetBackup (/sarcasm).