Forum Discussion

WayneLackey's avatar
13 years ago

NetBackup Client Service fails to start on Windows client

I have a Windows 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition server for which I cannot start the NetBackup Client Service (version 7.0). When I try and start it manually in the Windows Services console, the progress bar gets about halfway, and then spits out a 1053 error, telling me Windows could not start the service in a timely fashion (or something similar). A reboot did not resolve this issue, nor did removing and reinstalling the client. Does NBU create a log when the client service tries to start? If so, which log, and where can I locate it? Alternatively, does anyone have any recommendations for getting the NBU client service to start?



20 Replies

  • Can i confirm that you are running the setup.exe and not the MSI?

    The setup program does pre-requisite checks - such as IE version etc. that is actually needed

    Also - are you doing it while logged physically on the server and not via terminal services / remote desktop?


    Download the installer again.

    Copy it locally

    Delete everything under the temp directories

    Check all pre-reqs (Windows Installer version / IE Version / Screen resolution / Windows Installer service not disabled / Anti Virus turned off etc.)

    Make sure \program files\veritas\netbackup is not still there

    Install it while logged on locally and as a local admin

    Do not choose to use any specific account for the service account during the installation.


  • @Mark,

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Yes, I am running the setup.exe, and not the .msi (I tried once, and it wouldn't let me). This server is located hundreds of miles from my location, so standing in front of it really isn't an option. laugh  I am connected to the server via RDP session.

    I will connect back to the server and check the items you mentioned. I do know that it was a pretty vanilla install, no modifications, using Local System, etc.



  • Does it have a lights out card?

    That would be better than using RDP (apart from screen resolution!)

  • Mark and others, thanks for your suggestions. I was able to get the client to install using the silent client install batch file, but after the install completes, the NetBackup client service still fails to start. When I try to start it, the progress bar gets about 60% of the way, stalls out for a few seconds, and then I get the 1053 error. Is there some way to increase the time Windows gives the service to start, maybe some command line parameter or something?



  • if it could start it would - something is stopping it from running

    double check Anti Virus firewalls  etc

    also check HKLM\Software\veritas\netbackup\ to see if anything looks odd

    check HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBackup *** to see if any binary paths look wrong

  • Is there some sort of list available from Symantec that would list the anti-virus products that may cause incompatibilities with NetBackup products? This client has an old AV product on it, and I am wondering if that may be causing the problem...

  • ALL antivirus products have the potential to cause trouble for NetBackup by quarantining or removing the wrong files at the wrong time.

    We don't have an official list for you to consult but as Best Practices, we would recommend you either don't run antivirus on your NetBackup servers...or you take care to carve out exceptions for NetBackup on those servers.

    Google found me some previous discussion on this topic: (see my solution in this thread for pointers to some TechNotes)

    Hope this helps!

  • @CRZ, thanks, but the problem I have is on a client, not on the NetBackup master server itself.

  • Have you got anywhere on this?

    Was thinking that a good way to remove a client in order to try again is to right click on the .msi and select uninstall.

    Then make sure the \Program files\veritas\ directory and HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup (and all services) have gone from the registry and try again.

    If you are using McAfee then make sure that the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\MFETDIK.sys file is renamed and server rebooted to make sure it is not the McAfee firewall stopping it from working

  • @Mark, thanks for checking, but no, I've had no luck with this problem. I opened up a support case in hopes of making some headway on this issue.