Forum Discussion

WyattMD's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Netbackup client to new Solaris server - FAILED!

Please excuse the n00b. I'm learning!

I have a Solaris 10 server running Netbackup 6.5.1 with over a dozen clients, both Solaris 10 and Windows Server 2003.

I want to set up a new server to run Netbackup Operations Manager. I have a virtual server that I just installed Solaris 10. I have set it up with a static IP address. I have not set up any zones or anything like that (to my knowledge).

When attempting to install Unix Client Software from NetBackup Administration Console, I receive the following message:

Software installation on hsbackupnom failed.
Software installation messages:
hsbackupnom ...
Client hsbackupnom -- Solaris hardware running Solaris10
Installing NetBackup software on hsbackupnom
permission denied
Client hsbackupnom is not responding.
hsbackupnom install failed

I have asked around other places, and was told to look into name resolution between the servers. Both servers are able to ping each other with both name and IP address.

What can I do on the new Solaris server that will permit the Netbackup server to push Netbackup client to it? I'm sure there's some obvious and easy step that anyone with Solaris experience knows...


  • Solaris 10 comes in two flavours - SPARC and x86.  Maybe you are attempting to install the wrong binaries on the wrong architecture?

    Can you run `uname -a` from the Solaris machine?

    Check that against the "version" file copied over there from your install script run.

    If they don't match, you need to redefine the client with the correct Platform!  :)
  • Hi Michael,

    rsh is probably not enabled on your NOM machine.  Remember it's Solaris 10, and the inetd based services are wrapped by TCP Wrappers for access control.

    So check if rsh (which is the method used by NetBackup Admin Console to push NBU client installation) is enabled on the Solairs 10 client, and check if your NBU master is allowed to access it.

    The other way is to use SSH (if enabled) to push install the NBU client.  Check the NetBackup 6.5 Installation Guide, page 93 for details of how to run the install_client_files script.
  • Make sure you can `rsh` from the master to the client.  For an initial install, we'll be trying to move the files over that way.  You will need to temporarily open 'er up if it's not!  (Or install one of the other ways that doesn't use rsh, but that's another answer for another post ;-) )
  • Try from the command line:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_client_files ssh <client_name>
    (note method could be ssh, ftp, sftp, or rsh)
  • I did that, and here's what I got:
    hsbackup01# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_client_files ssh hsbackupnom
    hsbackupnom ...
    Client hsbackupnom -- Solaris hardware running Solaris10
    Installing NetBackup software on hsbackupnom
    extract_java 100% |*****************************| 8243 00:00
    JRE.tar.Z 100% |*****************************| 20621 KB 00:03
    NB-Java.tar.Z 100% |*****************************| 93281 KB 00:14
    JAVAnbj.conf.hsbacku 100% |*****************************| 542 00:00
    move_libs 100% |*****************************| 2972 00:00
    version 100% |*****************************| 26 00:00
    tar 100% |*****************************| 471 KB 00:00
    .sizes 100% |*****************************| 14 00:00
    client_config 100% |*****************************| 45802 00:00
    hsbackupnom_bin_net. 100% |*****************************| 158 KB 00:00
    client_bin.tar.Z 100% |*****************************| 53993 KB 00:08

    Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
    operating system and version client binaries on hsbackupnom.
    hsbackupnom install failed

    Everytime it asked for the password, I typed the root password. The root password is the same on both the main Netbackup server and the new Solaris server on which I am attempting to install Netbackup client.

  • Okay, I figured out that the /etc/default/.login file was keeping me from 'rsh'ing to the target system. I commented out the offending "console=" line. Previously I added the Netbackup server to the target system's /.rhosts file, but now I know that wasn't enough. However, now I am getting:

    Installing software on hsbackupnom...
    Software installation on hsbackupnom failed.
    Software installation messages:
    hsbackupnom ...
    Client hsbackupnom -- Solaris hardware running Solaris10
    Installing NetBackup software on hsbackupnom

    Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
    operating system and version client binaries on hsbackupnom.
    hsbackupnom install failed

    How can this be? Both systems are Solaris 10. . .


  • Hi Michael,

    That's because your NOM server already has NetBackup client installed.  Log on that server and see what you have under /usr/openv, as well as use pkginfo to check if VRTSnetbp package exists

    If you have older version of NetBackup client installed, you will need to uninstall it first before you try to push install the new NetBackup client.

  • Apparently the push copied the files. There is a folder /usr/openv/netbackup, but VRTSnetbp is not listed in the output of pkginfo. I attempted deleting the /usr/openv/netbackup folder and installing again, but I got the same error:
    Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
    operating system and version client binaries on hsbackupnom.
    hsbackupnom install failed

  • Solaris 10 comes in two flavours - SPARC and x86.  Maybe you are attempting to install the wrong binaries on the wrong architecture?

    Can you run `uname -a` from the Solaris machine?

    Check that against the "version" file copied over there from your install script run.

    If they don't match, you need to redefine the client with the correct Platform!  :)
  • CRZ: You figured it out! The Netbackup main server is SPARC, and the potential NOM server is a virtual x86.

    The main server replied: 
    SunOS hsbackup01 5.10 Generic_125100-04 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200

    The NOM server replied:
    SunOS hsbackupnom 5.10 Generic_118855-33 i86pc i386 i86pc

    So I guess this means I have to install the client from a CD. That shouldn't be a problem. I was only trying to troubleshoot why the client couldn't be pushed in case that problem led to another problem later. Now that I have the new server set up to receive rsh (thanks CY and CRZ!) the communication between the servers should be okay. . . right?

    Thanks for your help, guys!

  • Oh yeah I should think about that - your NOM is on a VM, which is most likely using a virtual x86.

    You still can push install NBU client for Solaris 10 on x86 platform.  Check if you have the proper client binaries installed on your Master server (under /usr/openv/netbackup/client/Solaris/Solaris_x86_10, which is the same for Solaris_x86_9):

    [root@master /usr/openv/netbackup/client]
    # ls -l Solaris/Solaris_x86_10
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Dec 29 15:01 Solaris/Solaris_x86_10 -> Solaris_x86_9

    [root@master /usr/openv/netbackup/client]
    # ls -l Solaris/Solaris_x86_9
    total 11130
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 5211914 Oct 31 08:29 client_bin.tar.Z
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 51554 Oct 31 05:57 client_config
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 48668 Oct 31 05:57 cp_to_client
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 566 Oct 30 16:15 nbj.conf
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 358588 Oct 31 06:05 tar
    -r--r--r-- 1 root bin 30 Oct 31 05:57 version