Forum Discussion

Chukwuemeka's avatar
13 years ago

Netbackup Elapsed Time


I am using Netbackup 7.1 on windows server 2008

Hi please can someone explain to me what this means in netbackup. After a job must have completed and i need to check how long the job took to get completed, i thenk check the Elapsed Time tab and this is what i get below.

elapsed time = 1 08:56:22

i know the 08 means>>>>>>>8 hours

                56 means>>>>>>>56 Minutes 

                22 means >>>>>> 22 Seconds

Now what does the 1 mean.....


  • This is what I see:

    1 day  =  86400 sec
    2 hrs  =  720 sec
    41 min  =  2460 sec
    39 sec =   39 sec
    Total:  =   89619 sec
    KB:    161311305
    KB/sec    1799.967697

    This transfer rate is 'normal' for Mailbox backups.

    If you Google 'slow mailbox backups' you will find LOTS of references with reasons why mailbox backups are S-L-O-W.

    For this reason, we now recommend GRT backups.

    If Exchange or NBU version is too old for GRT, we recommend breaking up mailbox backups into multiple streams. (Details in NBU for Exchange Admin Guide).