Netbackup Exchange Backups completing partially (status 1)
This week backup all of the SG's for a exchange backup are failing with status 1, Its just backing up 3kb on each attempt.
We have been informed by the exchange team that the SG's are 30+ gb each and recently the database(.edb) file were rebuild (No configuration changes have been made to the Storage Group or the Database. The mailbox database was emptied of mailboxes, dismounted and the edb file renamed. The database was then remounted to generate a new “zero” size database. Mailboxes have now been moved back to this database and therefore it has grown in size since.)
Since the jobs are failing partially on both the nodes. Our environment relies on host file and not DNS.
The client servers (exchange nodes) are windows 2008 and running Exchange 2007 in CCR mode. (Active / Passive configuration) (Node1 being active)
Master OS : Windows 2012
Netbackup Version:
Detailed Job Logs have been provided.
05/27/2015 20:16:45 - Error bpbrm (pid=7652) from client HBEX12-PRD: ERR - fatal error during enumeration for: Microsoft Information Store:\SG15\. Check bpbkar debug log for further information
Hi Watson, glad to hear a response to my query and apologies for the delayed response.
Had contacted Symantec support, the issue here was that the Database (DB) had failed over to the other node of the exchnge cluster and the changes to the host file were to be made on the master and the media servers involved in taking the backup.
Necessary (host file entry for clustername pointing to the node hosting the DB) changes were made to the master but I missed making the same change on the media server, resulting in this error
eg: The Database were failed over from Exch_node_1 to Exch_node_2 and the backup is configured via the Cluster Name (ExchClus). Made the below changes to the master and media server as well and backup was successful.
Previous Configuration on Master and Media servers
132.172.x.21 Exch_Node_1 ExchClus
132.172.x.22 Exch_Node_2
Modification to the host file on Master and Media
132.172.x.21 Exch_Node_1
132.172.x.22 Exch_Node_2 ExchClus