NetBackup for Enterpise Vault agent
Hi, my master server is NBU 7.0.1 on Windows 2008 r2. I have one Enterprise Vault server (EV 7.5 on windows 2003 SP2 32bit). I am reading the NBU for Enterprise Vault agent Adminsitrator's guide and has a few questions:
In the guide, it mentioned to back up an Open partition or Index location, Enterprise Vault need to be quiesced before the backup job starts. The way to do quiesce is to modfiy/create some registry entries.
My question is: is it an automatically process to quiesce EV when the backup policy starts? Do I need to manually create the registy and put it as some pre commands?
Sorry for the late reply, been out at customer site, no internet :(
Your environment would qualify as small. So do this
Weekly (in this sequence)
1st: SQL Policy running a Full backup of the FingerPrint DB as well as FSAReporting DB and Audit DB.
2nd: EV Policy running a Full backup of the EV_SITE directive.
3rd: EV Policy running a Full backup of EV_DIR_DB and EV_MONITORING_DB.
Daily (in this sequence)
1st: EV Policy running an Diff/Incr. of EV_SITE directive.
2nd: SQL Policy running a Transaction Log backup of the FingerPrint DB as well as FSAReporting DB and Audit DB.
3rd: EV Policy running a Diff/Incr. backup of EV_DIR_DB and EV_MONITORING_DB.
Also, about you previous query, you can install the media server software on the EV server. Then it can backup to tape directly.
And, the backup of the EV_DIR_DB and EV_MONITORING_DB wont have any effect on Exchange. They're taking a backup of the SQL servers.