Netbackup Instant Recovery alternate restore error
Hi All, I try Netbackup Instant recovery ang gets below error:
May 14, 2018 11:03:05 PM - Info bprd (pid=10176) Waiting for Instant Recovery job to end May 14, 2018 11:03:05 PM - Info bprd (pid=10176) Starting to export a backup image on the media server nbu May 14, 2018 11:03:07 PM - Info bprd (pid=10176) Backup image has been successfully exported on the media server nbu May 14, 2018 11:03:13 PM - Info bprd (pid=10176) Backup image has been successfully mounted on the server esxnbu.veritas.local May 14, 2018 11:03:13 PM - Info bprd (pid=10176) Starting to activate a virtual machine on the server esxnbu.veritas.local May 14, 2018 11:03:18 PM - Error bprd (pid=10176) Failed to activate a virtual machine on the server esxnbu.veritas.local May 14, 2018 11:03:18 PM - Info bprd (pid=10176) Starting to unmount a backup image on the server esxnbu.veritas.local May 14, 2018 11:03:18 PM - Info bpVMutil (pid=4560) Unable to determine if the VM already exists under Folder , Resource Pool /ha-datacenter/host/esxnbu.veritas.local/Resources . the restore failed to recover the requested files (5)
But when i tried restored using BAR gui of Virtual machine, the restore is successfull.
i'm using below script
nbrestorevm -vmw -ir_activate -C svrxxx001 -temp_location NetappDS01 –vmserver esxnbu.veritas.local –R C:\IRPATH\svrxxx001v1.txt
and parameter inside svrxxx001v1.txt is:
change vmname to svrxxx001-v1
change esxhost to esxnbu.veritas.local
change folder to /ha-datacenter/vm/
change resourcepool to /ha-datacenter/host/esxnbu.veritas.local/Resources
change datastore to NetappDS01
Please advise, is there any parameters i need to add? Thanks in advance