NetBackup notify scripts
Hi All,
I am looking to incorporate some script which needs to trigger one batch file at the time of backup begins and once the backup completes "if its a successful backup" then it should trigger an another batch file .
I gone through the guide but i couldn't able to understand properly .
Please let me know how can i do this
Hi All,
Finally i am able to achive what i wanted , below is the exact script which solved my problem.
@REM --------------------------------------------------------------------@REM main script starts here@REM This is a simple script that records what kind of backup was done along@REM with other relevent information (Client name, policy name, etc) and@REM appends the information to the results file@REM --------------------------------------------------------------------@if %5 == 0 goto DISK
mountvol J:\Mount_points\DBP /d
diskpart /s "C:\HORCM\Backup_Diskpart\diskpart.txt"
@GOTO :EOF" Where inturn the diskpart.txt will call diskpart and offline the disk" . And now if and only if the backup status is "0" it is executing other command else not.
One of the main thing what i noticed is we should not give %5 == "0" , correct syntax is %5 == 0 and in the next line we should give @GOTO :EOF else it was executing rest all commands at all the times.
Thanks a lot Mark and Mariane for all your support.