NetBackup Ops Center Reports
I am new to Ops Center. This is Standard Ops Center. Ops Center 7.1
I want to produce the same reports as on Admin console -
Status of backup
Clients Backups
on a daily basis reflecting the previous 24 Hours.
Then mail the reports to specific mail addresses.
How do I do this?
ok it won't let me edit the comment, so I'm replying to my own.
Forgot to mention, to set up the report to automatically email every 24 hours, you need to set up a schedule, but first you should set up the monitor to only show what you want it to see (say, 24 hours previous). Note that if you set it up to only show the report of backups within 24 hours, it will do just that, which means if your report normally runs at 7:00 and it somehow ran late (say, 7:30), then you miss 30 minutes of data. On the safe side, I set mine to previous 30 hours.
From the tabular backup report, click on 'Edit Report.' This edits the currently running report and doesn't affect the template. Change the Timeframe to 'Previous' 30 'Hours', or whatever your preference is.
Set up whatever filters you need. For most of my admins, I filter out all status 0 codes. This is because, for some odd reason, they only care about the failures (I do run a monthly success report). Click on Next, and arrange the columns as you see fit. Click on Next, and you'll see a preview of your report. If you click on Next, you can save your report and possibly put it in a folder for easy finding. I separate mine out by Windows and Unix, but if you have different levels of SLA, you might want to make folders for those. Or not. If you didn't click on Next, you could have clicked on 'Run Report', and you can also save the report by clicking on the little disk icon at the top.
Once you have the report saved, you will want to schedule it. In 7.1, the scheduling thing was new to me and a little confusing at first. But simply, you create a time schedule, then you create a report schedule to run on that time schedule. So, to schedule reports to run every 24 hours, say at 7:00 AM, you go to the Time Schedules tab under the Schedules tab (still under the Reports tab), and create a new schedule. Then you go to the Report Schedules tab under the Schedules tab (still under the Reports tab (who programmed this?)), and create a new report schedule, selecting your Time Schedule to run your report. Note that you can select multiple reports to run.
While the way of scheduling reports is a little confusing, it makes sense if you have many different customers who want different reports, but maybe at the same time. (e.g. Reports A, B, and C go to company X, while Reports A, C, and D go to Y, and maybe A, B, and C(subfilter1) go to Company Z).
Clear as mud, I'm sure. Once you play around with it, it'll make more sense as you go along.