Thank you for responding! When the report is generated the format of the report is policy by policy (example below) What management is requesting is a more manageable report that lists in colums or something that can be easily imported into csv/excel.
Policy Name: xxxxxxxxx
Policy Type: MS-Windows
Active: no
Effective date: 03/13/2014 13:13:15
Backup network drvs: yes
Collect TIR info: no
Mult. Data Streams: no
Client Encrypt: no
Checkpoint: no
Policy Priority: 0
Max Jobs/Policy: Unlimited
Disaster Recovery: 0
Collect BMR info: no
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: NetBackup
Server Group: *ANY*
Keyword: (none specified)
Data Classification: Platinum
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: no
Application Discovery: no
Discovery Lifetime: 28800 seconds
ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)
Granular Restore Info: no
Ignore Client Direct: no
Enable Metadata Indexing: no
Index server name: NULL
Use Accelerator: no
Optimized Backup: no
Clients: (none defined)
Schedule: Last_FULL_BACKUP
Type: Full Backup
Frequency: every 7 days
Excluded Dates----------
No specific exclude dates entered
No exclude days of week entered
Synthetic: 0
Checksum Change Detection: 0
PFI Recovery: 0
Maximum MPX: 1
Retention Level: 14 (7 years)
Number Copies: 1
Fail on Error: 0
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool)
Server Group: (same as specified for policy)
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 0
Schedule indexing: 0
Daily Windows: