Forum Discussion

crscsy's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Netbackup Policies configuration report


      I am trying to find a script and or way to generate netbackup policy reports. I had found a script on the forums Policy List Parser.exe however I am recieving a runtime error with it unfortunately.

      Is there another way to generate the report on the policies using the output of bppllist -allpolicies -U > c:\temp\policies.txt? or some other method entirely? My reason for asking is the raw output of bppllist is not acceptable to management.


Thank you for any help you can!

  • No other options in NBU, unless you take the bppllist output and script something.

    OpsCenter however has a few policiy reports built in, including the Policy Summary Dashboard which may be a bit more friendly.

  • Please help us to understand what is 'unacceptable' about output of 'bppllist -allpolicies -U' command?
    • crscsy's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you for responding! When the report is generated the format of the report is policy by policy (example below) What management is requesting is a more manageable report that lists in colums or something that can be easily imported into csv/excel.


      Policy Name: xxxxxxxxx

      Policy Type: MS-Windows
      Active: no
      Effective date: 03/13/2014 13:13:15
      Backup network drvs: yes
      Collect TIR info: no
      Mult. Data Streams: no
      Client Encrypt: no
      Checkpoint: no
      Policy Priority: 0
      Max Jobs/Policy: Unlimited
      Disaster Recovery: 0
      Collect BMR info: no
      Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
      Volume Pool: NetBackup
      Server Group: *ANY*
      Keyword: (none specified)
      Data Classification: Platinum
      Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: no
      Application Discovery: no
      Discovery Lifetime: 28800 seconds
      ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)

      Granular Restore Info: no
      Ignore Client Direct: no
      Enable Metadata Indexing: no
      Index server name: NULL
      Use Accelerator: no
      Optimized Backup: no

      Clients: (none defined)

      Include: ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES

      Schedule: Last_FULL_BACKUP
      Type: Full Backup
      Frequency: every 7 days
      Excluded Dates----------
      No specific exclude dates entered
      No exclude days of week entered
      Synthetic: 0
      Checksum Change Detection: 0
      PFI Recovery: 0
      Maximum MPX: 1
      Retention Level: 14 (7 years)
      Number Copies: 1
      Fail on Error: 0
      Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
      Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool)
      Server Group: (same as specified for policy)
      Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 0
      Schedule indexing: 0
      Daily Windows:


      • sclind's avatar
        Level 6

        Perhaps running bppllist -allpolicies -l and then creating your own file (of what they want to see) might help?

  • No other options in NBU, unless you take the bppllist output and script something.

    OpsCenter however has a few policiy reports built in, including the Policy Summary Dashboard which may be a bit more friendly.