Netbackup slow SQL jobs
We are running Netbackup backing up SQL VMs to a Datadomain.
We are experiencing slow speeds with the SQL database and trans log jobs. We basically have 2 types of SQL servers; ones with a bunch (110) small databases, and others with a few, but large (1.5TB) databases. The jobs are running successfully, just taking forever.
I also see these messages in the jobs: Created VDI object for SQL Server instance <server_1>. Connection timeout is <300> seconds.
Two things:
Can someone tell me how to configure the script/job/etc to kick off all database backups at once?
Can someone explain the MAXTRANSFERSIZE and NUMBUFS and how they effect the SQL servers with small or large databases.
Here is an example of our scripts.
small suggestion if database is too small like u mentioned using stripes parameter will not make much difference.
backup may fail as well. I know this from own experience.
1 a bunch (110) small databases- use BATCHSIZE as 5 or 10 or 20 then calculate total backup time, then decide watever gives u better performance n time.
2 large (1.5TB) databases -- use STRIPES parameter as 2 or 3 or 4 then check performance and backup time.