Forum Discussion

adivya1's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Netbackup Solution for Configuring SQL backups on clsutered servers

Hi All,

Can we get a solution for integrating SQL backups on Clustred windows servers in netbackup

if some body can give me a Solution and the steps involved it will be of great help to me



Adivya Singh


  • Easy.

    Install NBU Client on all nodes, use the NBU for SQL GUI to create script(s) for each Virtual hostname associated with each SQL cluster group, save the script(s) on shared disk that is part of the Cluster Group, then create a backup policy on the master for each virtual name and specify the relevant script in Backup Selection.

    All explained in NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide 

  • Easy.

    Install NBU Client on all nodes, use the NBU for SQL GUI to create script(s) for each Virtual hostname associated with each SQL cluster group, save the script(s) on shared disk that is part of the Cluster Group, then create a backup policy on the master for each virtual name and specify the relevant script in Backup Selection.

    All explained in NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide 

  • The thing to focus on is the "client" that netbackup targets in the policy...this is NOT the physical node in this instance but the address(es) that are part of the cluster framework so that when the cluster mgrates a service ( ie the storage and the service address) from a node to another node as part of failover, you are always backing up the same address.

    The chances are you'll still need to backup the physical (or indeed VM) nodes as part of OS backup but the databases will be correctly served by the script and service address method , or as Marianne says each virtual hostname.


  • Remember that the physical nodes needs to be allowed to restore from the logical nodes backups by altnames files on the master server