Forum Discussion

albatroz19's avatar
Level 5
3 years ago

Netbackup upgrade on Suse server


i would upgrade NBU Client 7.6.1 to newer version, on a Linux Suse. I verified on server and these are information:

clnt01:{root}:~ $ cat /etc/SuSE-release
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (x86_64)

clnt01:{root}:~ $ uname -r

I checked on for Suse 12 SP1 for NBU version support, and i think that NBU 7.7.3 and later are ok for upgrade, but when i try to install, this error appear:

ERROR: Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
operating system and version client binaries on clnt01.

Please someone can help me?

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards

  • try to copy the packages from /usr/openv/netbackup/client/<client OS> of the master server and

    • copy all client binaries from server to a tar file
    • move the tar to client and untar it to /tmp
    • create a file named NBInstallAnswer.conf  to the /tmp folder and add the folowing
      SERVER = <master server name>
      CLIENT_NAME = <client name>
      CA_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT = <master server's fingerprint>

    • run the commands

      rpm -U VRTSnbpck.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSpbx.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbclt.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbjre.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbjava.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSpddea.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbcfg.rpm

    Hope that this will work.
    Before that stop all netbackup services on the client and copy (tar) /usr/openv, just to have it in case you need to roll back.

    if this not work, schedule a downtime. Stop SAP, revert the admin's patch, install netbackup and re apply the patch.

    Last option is to copy the /usr/openv from another client, change the bp.conf accordingly and redeploy the certificates
  • Hi Nicolai,
    i looked for technote but it isn't for my case.
    My problem that i cannot upgrade from NBU 7.6.1 to a new release, because when i try there is this error:

    ERROR: Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
    operating system and version client binaries on clnt01.


    NBU's packages are correct, maybe a discrepancy on Suse 12 sp1 and kernel version (2.6.31665-amd-smp) not supported?

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi albatroz19 

    Is there a install log/trace ? What does it say ?

    You will likely have to look at the installation script, to see where the platform check fails.

    It's difficult to narrow in, what the issues is, without any from of additional debug information.

    • albatroz19's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Nicolai 
      only log present on execute ./install is:

      Veritas Installation Script
      Copyright (c) 2020 Veritas Technologies LLC. All rights reserved.

      Installing NetBackup Client Software

      Please review the VERITAS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT located on
      the installation media before proceeding. The agreement includes
      details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program.

      For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your
      platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are
      contained in this release, check the Installation and Upgrade checklists
      and the Hot Fix and EEB Release Auditor, both available on the Veritas
      Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) page:

      Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y) y

      ERROR: Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
      operating system and version client binaries on clnt01.


      I have a doubt for kernel version and Suse 12 SP1, maybe not supported from NBU 7 and newer.

      I've changed on policy HW/OS version from SuSE 2.6.16 to SuSE 4.4.73 but not upgrade.

      Thanks and Regards,


      • X2's avatar

        Are there any log files generated in /tmp/ or /var/tmp/ when the script is run?


  • if your master server is linux, you can start the upgrade thew the java gui (right click the client from the policy ->all clients and select update).
    You must have the correct OS selected at the policy

  • one stupid question.
    What is the name of the file you upload to the client for the installation?

  • albatroz19 

    What happens if you perform a clean install instead of a upgrade ? 

    Do save the old installation, just in case.

  • try to copy the packages from /usr/openv/netbackup/client/<client OS> of the master server and

    • copy all client binaries from server to a tar file
    • move the tar to client and untar it to /tmp
    • create a file named NBInstallAnswer.conf  to the /tmp folder and add the folowing
      SERVER = <master server name>
      CLIENT_NAME = <client name>
      CA_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT = <master server's fingerprint>

    • run the commands

      rpm -U VRTSnbpck.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSpbx.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbclt.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbjre.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbjava.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSpddea.rpm
      rpm -U VRTSnbcfg.rpm

    Hope that this will work.
    Before that stop all netbackup services on the client and copy (tar) /usr/openv, just to have it in case you need to roll back.

    if this not work, schedule a downtime. Stop SAP, revert the admin's patch, install netbackup and re apply the patch.

    Last option is to copy the /usr/openv from another client, change the bp.conf accordingly and redeploy the certificates
  • Hi StefanoSM,

    as aspected,
    we scheduled downtime, stop sap and sys admin revertd patch, in order to upgrade NBU.

    Thanks and Regards,