Forum Discussion

V4's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Netbackup with DHCP (Wired and Wi-Fi)

We have DHCP for Wired and and RADIUS (Wi-Fi). For both  lease is same (7 days). DNS is set for autoscavenging at 7 days. No-Refresh and Refresh intervals are set to 7 days. Nightmare comes when NBU queries with DNS and it finds end system (laptop) IP different. Ports  are enabled throughout DHCP Scope pools to NBU master/media server

NBU Master/Media ; 7.5 Windows 2008 R2 ENT sp1

MSDP enabled

most of time backup failes with  status 58/59. 59 used to if client is not able to resolve master/media server name. but we checked  in registry also they are correct. for 58, if we check in DNS and update new ip what client is carrying NBU works. Is there any way i can bind NBU connections over NetBIOS name only . Irrrespective  of IP client has. as i can't update host entry for all clients whose ip frequently gets changed.

  • Bear in mind that NetBackup actually has its own built in DNS cache and this may be causing your issue.

    It may be better (worth trying) to setup scheduled tasks on the Master and Media Servers that run bat files each day to update then just prior to the backups starting:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    followed by:

    bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

    Hope this helps

  • as you said "most of time backup failes with  status 58/59."

    so what was your work around to resolve this issue ? or will this job finished normally for next backup cycle without any troubleshooting ?

    are they all windows client or UNIX as well ?

    also let us know about "host entry for all clients whose ip frequently gets changed."


  • yogesh as i mentioned we have DHCP hence host entry would be difficult part (increasing manual intervention everytime ip is changed)

    for status 58 yes if ip is updated with DNS manually with current ACTIVE IP .. backup goes smoothly...


  • DHCP static scope will help you in this ...

    i think you answered your won query.


  • have checked on DNS and DHCP part. Scavenging is enabled and is set to 7 Days. Where in Refresh and no-Refresh interval are also set to 7 Days.

    For validating if scavenging is working properly we checked event viewer which showed after 7 days it is removing orphaned records. however i believe no-Refresh and refresh interval must be reduced. or scavening period should be reduced here.....


    Had any one exeperienced this issue before.. DHCP  (Wired and Wi-Fi) with NBU

  • Bear in mind that NetBackup actually has its own built in DNS cache and this may be causing your issue.

    It may be better (worth trying) to setup scheduled tasks on the Master and Media Servers that run bat files each day to update then just prior to the backups starting:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    followed by:

    bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

    Hope this helps