Forum Discussion

anandsinha2007's avatar
12 years ago


Pls give me brief of bp.conf file. If modified in bp.conf file, what will do? 
Q1 First entry should be reservered for master server.
# more /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER = nbumaster
SERVER = nbumedia01
SERVER = nbumedia02
SERVER = nbumedia03
CLIENT_NAME = nbumaster
EMMSERVER = nbumaster
Q2 what will do this condition?
SERVER = nbumaster
SERVER = nbumedia03
SERVER = nbumedia01
SERVER = nbumedia02
CLIENT_NAME = nbumaster
EMMSERVER = nbumaster 
  • The order of other servers makes no difference. As long as the Master server is the 1st line in the bp.conf.

    It seems that your master server was installed with shortname - nbumaster (EMM name and Client name). The 1st entry should then be nbumaster.

  • Is this a real environment, or are these "exam questions?"