Forum Discussion

ShasRaj_UK's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

New Sybase backup failing with error code 6.

Happy New years !


I am configuring a new backup policy , policy type : Sybase . 

I copied the script from the existing server who's backups are running well and amended it to use on the new server and added the path into the policy.

But it is failing with error code 6.

Error found in sybase_stdout :

/sybase/BET/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Uxxxxxxxx -Pxxxxxxxx -I/sybase/BET/interfaces -SBET < ./syb_BET_dump
        ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED.
bpbackup -c BRG_SYBASE_BET /sybase/BET/ASE-15_0/scripts
Finished Wed Jan  7 04:34:25 CST 2015
exit 255


I checked the connectivity with db with the help of DBA team and they confirmed they are able to conncet to the DB.


Please help !

Attaching the failed job details , bphdb logs and script.

  • Has anyone got solution for this? I am facing the same error as above.

    /sybase/CRP/OCS-16_0/bin/isql -Uxxxxxxxx -Pxxxxxxxx -I/sybase/CRP/interfaces -SCRP -X < ./syb_CRP_dump
    CS-LIBRARY error:
            comn_cryptolib_load(): user api layer: internal common library error: Failed to load library '%1!'.
    CT-LIBRARY error:
            ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED.
    bpbackup -c SAP_Sybase_BKP_DR /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sybase/scripts
    Finished Sat May 20 12:52:35 IST 2023
    exit 0

  • Forgot to mention :

    Master Server:
    PLATFORM = linuxR_x86_2.6.18

    Client details..
    PLATFORM = linuxR_x86_2.6.18