Forum Discussion

Zahid_Haseeb's avatar
16 years ago

no images were successfully processed(191)

I have Veritas Netbackup 6.5 on a windows 2003 Server...
I am restoring the Catalog backup restore but its failing with the below message in the Activity Monitor. My primary Backup in on Tape

9/15/2009 11:10:43 AM - begin Verify
9/15/2009 11:10:43 AM - Error bpverify(pid=724) unexpected return value from db_FLISTreceive: database system error 220    
9/15/2009 11:10:44 AM - Error bpverify(pid=724) Suspending the database compare because of database error.     
9/15/2009 11:10:47 AM - started process bptm (4272)
9/15/2009 11:10:47 AM - started process bptm (4332)
9/15/2009 11:10:50 AM - started process bptm (4272)
9/15/2009 11:10:50 AM - mounting 0006L4
9/15/2009 11:10:52 AM - mounted; mount time: 00:00:02
9/15/2009 11:10:52 AM - positioning 0006L4 to file 464
9/15/2009 11:10:48 AM - requesting resource 0006L4
9/15/2009 11:10:48 AM - granted resource 0006L4
9/15/2009 11:10:48 AM - granted resource IBM.HHLTOGEN4.000
9/15/2009 11:11:27 AM - positioned 0006L4; position time: 00:00:35
9/15/2009 11:11:28 AM - begin reading
9/15/2009 11:11:49 AM - end reading; read time: 00:00:21
9/15/2009 11:11:54 AM - positioning 0006L4 to file 465
9/15/2009 11:11:54 AM - positioned 0006L4; position time: 00:00:00
9/15/2009 11:11:54 AM - Error bpverify(pid=724) Verify of policy Catalog, schedule Full (veritas-netbkup_1252954964) failed, database system error.  
9/15/2009 11:11:54 AM - Error bpverify(pid=724) Status = no images were successfully processed.      
9/15/2009 11:11:55 AM - end Verify; elapsed time: 00:01:12
no images were successfully processed(191)

My Primary Backup is on Tape but when i am recovering the Catalog OR running the Catalog Recovery Wizard its going to the secondary backup image which is in the DSU. 


  • Thanks Wrobbins but basically thats not my problem for which you suggessted me the above article,
    Actually i inserted the tape cartrige in the tape drive and giving the DR file while recovering the Catalog but the wizard is asking me the image on a drive "L".....The image which the wizard is asking is the second copy of backup in the "L" drive in Catalog directory...Why? it should not ask me i think
  • Ok, I think (not sure) what happened is when the DR info file was written, the catalog was stored on L:\ drive and hence the reference to it. Now when the image was transferred to tape the DR info was not updated and its not aware that the tape contains the image. You can follow the manual procedure of recovery without using the DR info file or copy the image back to disk.
  • 1st thanks all guys

    GERALD Wan i tried to restore the catalog without DR file but i am confused here bcuz while without DR file restoring the restore process is taking all the catalog backups one by one and restoring it one by one from the Tape Cartrige. but i only want to restore a particular Catalog image from the tape

    The command which i am using to restore the Catalog image with out DR file

    bpimport.exe -drfile TapeCartrigeName -File_Dest c:\Catalog-DR

    in the above command may i mentioned the particular image of Catalog which basically i want to restore. (Actually in my tape there are so many Catalog images)
  • Do you receive the DR email? It has information on how to recover the specific catalog. If not I can post it here for you. You may also open a case and let us know how it goes.
  • unfortunately i have not got email :(. kindly post it.

    2nd thing:-   actually i think my DR file is locating my Catalog backup to the L drive which has second backup copy. My primary backup is on Tape cartrige but still the DR file is locating the L drive  for Catalog backup restoration.  is that possible that i can edit my DR file and change the L drive in to my Tape cartrige ?

    Thanks in Advance