Forum Discussion

RichardXClark's avatar
16 years ago

NOM chicken & egg situation

Which to upgrade 1st?

NOM Server or Clients?

If you are at 6.0 MP4, like me, the official answer is both!

I had hoped to do a phased upgrade to 6.5.4.
I had hoped to 1st upgrade NOM server and our AIX master on the same day, then our various Win32 masters over the course of a month or so.

I cant take the risk of a big bang approach.

If I go for a phased rollout, how will NOM fail? If its minor, I can accept a risk.
If it just plain cannot work at all, I may have to run 2 NOM variants.
Or maybe run 2 upgrade waves.
A skinny upgrade to MP5.
Then the 'full fat' upgrade to 6.5.4

Anyone gone through this headache?

  • DAY 1

    In that case upgrade all master servers to 6.0 mP7 as that is the lates 6.0 service pack - easily done in a couple of  hours
    Upgrade NOM server to same netbackup client version 6.0 mp7 and upgrade nom to same version take about 30 - 40 mins

    DAY 2

    Upgrade the NOM servers master to 6.5.4
    Upgrade NOM server to 6.5.4 including the relevant NOM upgrades

    All other masters can then be upgraded as required over time