16 years agoLevel 4
NOM chicken & egg situation
Which to upgrade 1st?
NOM Server or Clients?
If you are at 6.0 MP4, like me, the official answer is both!
I had hoped to do a phased upgrade to 6.5.4.
I had hoped to 1st upgrade NOM server and our AIX master on the same day, then our various Win32 masters over the course of a month or so.
I cant take the risk of a big bang approach.
If I go for a phased rollout, how will NOM fail? If its minor, I can accept a risk.
If it just plain cannot work at all, I may have to run 2 NOM variants.
Or maybe run 2 upgrade waves.
A skinny upgrade to MP5.
Then the 'full fat' upgrade to 6.5.4
Anyone gone through this headache?
NOM Server or Clients?
If you are at 6.0 MP4, like me, the official answer is both!
I had hoped to do a phased upgrade to 6.5.4.
I had hoped to 1st upgrade NOM server and our AIX master on the same day, then our various Win32 masters over the course of a month or so.
I cant take the risk of a big bang approach.
If I go for a phased rollout, how will NOM fail? If its minor, I can accept a risk.
If it just plain cannot work at all, I may have to run 2 NOM variants.
Or maybe run 2 upgrade waves.
A skinny upgrade to MP5.
Then the 'full fat' upgrade to 6.5.4
Anyone gone through this headache?
- DAY 1
In that case upgrade all master servers to 6.0 mP7 as that is the lates 6.0 service pack - easily done in a couple of hours
Upgrade NOM server to same netbackup client version 6.0 mp7 and upgrade nom to same version take about 30 - 40 mins
Upgrade the NOM servers master to 6.5.4
Upgrade NOM server to 6.5.4 including the relevant NOM upgrades
All other masters can then be upgraded as required over time