Forum Discussion

arunkumar_dadi's avatar
9 years ago

Offsite pool assigned with tapes


Hi all,

We have an offsite pool assigned with 10nos of tapes. 

In which we are taking offsite backup weekly and monthly basis. While we are taking offsite weekly maximum data will be on two tapes. can we eject that particular volume offsite pool directly.does it eject only that 2 tapes with data or it can eject complete 10 tapes which are available in offsite still some of them are empty.

  • You can skip Duplication but you cannot skip 'Choose backups' tab in the Vault Profile.

    Please take time and read the Vault manual.

    If you want to select tapes manually, do not use Vault.

  • You can select any tapes in Media GUI to eject.

    Use the Filter option to match whatever tapes you want to select and eject.

    Or use Vault option to specify selection criteria for tapes to be ejected.

  • H marianne,

    I want to eject by vaulting. but during vaulting it is showing only available pools, there is no such option to select individual tapes from an pool.

  • Sorry to ask again a question on this. If I skip the Dupication and backup criteria on vault profile then????

    I just want to use vault profile for Vault catalog backup and ejection only.

    Then i am not able to select individual tapes from a pool(the pool might have empty tapes which are not used)

  • You can skip Duplication but you cannot skip 'Choose backups' tab in the Vault Profile.

    Please take time and read the Vault manual.

    If you want to select tapes manually, do not use Vault.

  • Thank you Marianne

    I just want to know we are able to eject individual tapes through vaulting and it has been cleared by your last line If you want to select tapes manually, do not use Vault.