/opt/openv/netbackp/db/images/dag is 30GB big
can i delete folders under /opt/openv/netbackp/db/images/dag? does that affect the dag/GRT policy?
if the answer is we can clear the folders, can I clear the folder using the rm command in solaris or I have to expire images then the folder will be freed up?
NO!!! Please don't!
These are catalog entries for your DAG backup. These catalog entries enables you to perform restores. Files in this folder will automatically be deleted when backups expire naturally.
Catalog size is directly related to the number of files held in backups.
The best way to manage catalog size is to reduce the number of copies of a backup you are keeping. Review the backup policies and reduce the retention and frequency of full backups.Are you perhaps doing full backups every day with long retention periods?
Before you start expiring backups, have another look at backup policies and check frequency of full backups and retention levels.
You may also want to consider disabling the cataloging for duplications - see this topic in NBU for Exchange manual:
Disabling the cataloging for duplications of Exchange backups using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)Please also read up about Protecting the NetBackup catalog in chapter 17 of NBU Admin Guide I.