Forum Discussion

kiyan's avatar
Level 6
2 months ago

Orace RAC credentials validation is failing

Customer has oracle RAC (12CR2) on top of windows 2016 (two nodes) which is compatible in netbackup CL.
communication is working fine and confirmed that port 1556 is enabled between client and master and media and vice verse. (bptestbpcd and bpnetconn are successful).
webUI discovery is able to discover the databases but when we are using the credential validation we are facing below error 

the same account (oracle sys) is working fine locally on instances (so it is not locked out nor has permission issue as it is DBA ).

anything I am missing in this scenario?


  • I opened  a case with Veritas, and after providing the below information to DBA, I was able to add the Oracle DB (with sys credentilas) with out any issue:

    1.    Ensure the Oracle User Has SYSBACKUP Privileges:
          Verify if the Oracle user has SYSBACKUP privileges by running the following SQL command: 
          SELECT * FROM v$pwfile_users WHERE username = 'your_oracle_user';
      If the user does not have SYSBACKUP privileges, grant them using:
          GRANT SYSBACKUP TO your_oracle_user;
          Verify Environment Variables:
          Ensure ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID are correctly set in the system environment variables.
          Check the Path environment variable to ensure it includes the path to the Oracle bin directory and that it is listed first. For example: 
      To modify environment variables:
      1.    Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings.
      2.    Click the Environment Variables button.
      3.    Edit the Path variable to ensure the Oracle bin directory is listed first.
      3.    Modify sqlnet.ora File:
          Edit the sqlnet.ora file located in the Oracle network admin directory (e.g., C:\oracle\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora).
          Add NONE to the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES parameter: 

  • I opened  a case with Veritas, and after providing the below information to DBA, I was able to add the Oracle DB (with sys credentilas) with out any issue:

    1.    Ensure the Oracle User Has SYSBACKUP Privileges:
          Verify if the Oracle user has SYSBACKUP privileges by running the following SQL command: 
          SELECT * FROM v$pwfile_users WHERE username = 'your_oracle_user';
      If the user does not have SYSBACKUP privileges, grant them using:
          GRANT SYSBACKUP TO your_oracle_user;
          Verify Environment Variables:
          Ensure ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID are correctly set in the system environment variables.
          Check the Path environment variable to ensure it includes the path to the Oracle bin directory and that it is listed first. For example: 
      To modify environment variables:
      1.    Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings.
      2.    Click the Environment Variables button.
      3.    Edit the Path variable to ensure the Oracle bin directory is listed first.
      3.    Modify sqlnet.ora File:
          Edit the sqlnet.ora file located in the Oracle network admin directory (e.g., C:\oracle\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora).
          Add NONE to the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES parameter: