Forum Discussion

Seth_E's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

oracle.exe in \bin folder not backed up due to VSS

Hi all,


Windows 2008 R2 running SAP / Oracle


I'm having an issue with backing up d:\oracle\%oracle_sid%\11203\bin\oracle.exe (and other exe's). I've done some digging and found that running diskshadow list writers command shows that this folder , for whatever reason, is included to be backed up as part of the systemstate.

File List: Path = d:\oracle\qa2\11203\bin, Filespec = oracle.exe

other folders such as d:\usr are also in this list.


Yet, I restore systemstate sucesfully and the files are still not restored. there! I've tried using the filesnottosnapshot method, but, this won't work.

Netbackup's solution from here: says to backup using \\hostname\d$ but, i have one policy for all SAP clients. I would have to create multiple policies in order to specify the hostname of each client (unless there is a better way).Also, this technote mentions that files which are opened, are not backed up. oracle.exe is constantly opened.


Has anyone found a better workaround to this issue?




  • Seth it is caused by oracle.exe being used by the Oracle Service and not being on the system drive, you can exclude service binaries from the Shadow Copy by the ExcludeBinary key,  Microsoft KB number 980794.

    Of cause then you will have to ensure it is backed up by the file backup.

    I have used this solution with Simcorp Dimension scd.exe as the scd.exe was needed as a part of the file backup we did of the application files.

    As always when doing things like this make sure you do a restore test.