Forum Discussion

TJN06's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

Oracle failed with error 6


  • With the Oracle client, error 6 just means "backup failed". You need to dig into the logs on the client to see why it failed, the log will show the autogenerated script and error codes that are coming from RMAN, you will need those to troubleshoot.

    • TJN06's avatar
      Level 3

      which logs we need to check and can you share us in which path the logs will generat.

      • Thiago_Ribeiro's avatar

        Hi TJN06 ,

        Please send us more informations about your problem. Take a look the logs according to the steps below.

        About NetBackup for Oracle troubleshooting steps

        When troubleshooting NetBackup for Oracle problems, the following items are referred to as the API:

        • On Windows, orasbt.dll is called the API.

        • On UNIX, the libobk module is called the API. Many media manager vendors also call the libobk module DMO (Database Module).

        To perform this procedure, ensure that NetBackup is properly installed and configured:

        To perform general troubleshooting steps

        1. When verifying your installation, ensure that the NetBackup for Oracle binaries exist.

          On UNIX, these are located in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin.

          The binaries are as follows:

          On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bphdb.exe

          On UNIX: bphdb

          The binary resides on the client and both the NetBackup scheduler and the graphical interface uses the binary to start backups. The main purpose of bphdb is to run an Oracle Intelligent Policy or a template or a shell script that calls rman, bporaexp, or bporaimp.

          On Windows: c:\Windows\System32\orasbt.dll

          Provides the functions that RMAN can call.

          On UNIX: libobk

          A shared library module that contains the functions that RMAN can call. This library is loaded when RMAN is started. The name of this binary depends on the operating system.

          See About linking Oracle RMAN with NetBackup for UNIX.

        2. For the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface and the Oracle Intelligent Policy, verify that the following binaries exist.

          On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpdbsbora.exe

          On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpubsora.exe

          On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\dbsbrman.dll

          On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbsbora

          On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpubsora

          On UNIX: /usr/openv/lib/ ( on HP-UX)

        3. Check that both the NetBackup server and client software work properly. That is, check that normal operating system files can be backed up and restored from the client. The NetBackup client must be running the same version of software as the NetBackup server.
        4. The logs can become very large, especially bpdbm. Ensure that enough free disk space exists in the log directory disk partition.
        5. Check that the following NetBackup log directories exist:

          • On the Windows client: bpdbsbora, bporaexp, bporaimp, bpubsora, dbclient, bphdb, bpfis, bplist, and bpcd.

          • On the UNIX client: bpdbsbora, bporaexp (or boraexp64), bporaimp (or boraimp64), bpubsora, dbclient, bphdb, bpfis, and bpcd. These directories must have 777 permissions.

          • On the master server: bprd and bpdbm.

          • On the host with the storage unit: bpbrm and bptm.

          On UNIX, confirm the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops directory and the subdirectories have 777 permissions. They must exist and be accessible for the applications to operate correctly.