Oracle RMAN backup fails to validate after replication
Netbackup running on a Netbackup appliance 5330.
Linux client - runs RMAN DB backup to NBU master node A (on appliance) to advanced disk.
Node A later replicates this backup to Node B in a different city.
DBA says the DB backups are good but the validate fails. I've had them try a validate again Node A and it fails, I had them try a validate against Node B and it fails.
Has anyone had this issue and have since resolved it? Am I replicating the backup from Node A too soon so that the validate can run against Node A and then replicate to Node B for offsite backup?
Please advise.
Think you should stop focusing on the replication as this is a pure Netbackup thing after the Oracle backup has finished on the primary master.
Have you checked that the validation is not trying to run against what you called the old shared backup solution ?
Still sure you have some sort of name resolution issue.
Please go through the steps in