Forum Discussion

Kak4_12's avatar
Level 4
10 months ago

Orphan images on appliance

Hello Experts,

I am reaching out regarding an issue we've encountered with nearly 2600 orphan images originated from the Pogather output.

Reviewing each image individually with in the Catalog is time consuming.

To streamline this process, i'm seeking your assistance in determining whether these images are still valid or if they can be safely deleted. is there a script or method available that would allow us to efficiently check whether these images are present in the catalog or if they have expired but remain on the appliances?


  • Hi Kak4_12 

    Write a simple script to cycle through the backup id's from the PO gather and run "bpimagelist -backupid <BID>" for each. 

    If there is output from the above ccommand the image is valid, it the return is "no entity was found", then the image is no in the catalog.

    You could even simplify this further looking at the return codes for the above. A successful bpimagelist will return status code 0, if the image does not exist it will return a non-xero value (should be 227).


  • Hi Kak4_12 

    Write a simple script to cycle through the backup id's from the PO gather and run "bpimagelist -backupid <BID>" for each. 

    If there is output from the above ccommand the image is valid, it the return is "no entity was found", then the image is no in the catalog.

    You could even simplify this further looking at the return codes for the above. A successful bpimagelist will return status code 0, if the image does not exist it will return a non-xero value (should be 227).
