Forum Discussion

Titus_Bandugula's avatar
11 years ago

Partial Catalog Recovery Process

Hello All,

We have two NBU servers one in production and the other in DR.

Both the master servers have different names but all the NBU configuration is the same.

IF MY PRODUCTION MASTER GOES DOWN and we want to RESTORE BACKUP IMAGES TAKEN on TAPES at the prod to the DR what other options do I have to restore them ASAP.

We use the NBU AIR for some backups but there are other DB's which are huge in size about 15-20 TB. Hence excluding AIR.

 I learned about the Netbackup Partial Catalog Recovery Process and the Recovery without Import option but I'm not sure if the same can be applicable in my environment since the master server names in both the environments are different.

I'm just trying to find an alternate solution to restore the backup images taken on tape at the production environment to the DR environment without wanting to import these tapes.


NBU Version : -

O.S : - Solaris 10

Media Servers : - 5 Netbackup Appliances 5520 + 1 SL500 LTO4 library


NBU DR : - 

NBU Version : -

O.S : - Solaris 10

Media Servers : - 2 Netbackup Appliances 5520 + 1 SL500 LTO4 library



  • Hi,


    You can do this.


    Take catalog backup on target master (just to protect it before you start working)
    Configure temp staging location on source master (nbdb_admin –vxdbms_nb_staging /staging)
    Perform backup of catalog to staging area (nbdb_backup –online <directory>-truncate_tlog)
    Backup the images folder on source server
    Restore images folder to the target server (don't overwrite)
    scp /staging area to target master
    Set temp staging location on target master (nbdb_admin –vxdbms_nb_staging /staging)
    Perform cat export from temp staging location (cat_export -all -staging –source_master OLDMASTER)
    Perform cat import from staging location (cat_import -all –staging) <<<You can also selectively import based on client name.
    Verify images (bpimagelist and bplist)
    Perform restores

  • The 'Recovery without import' procedure seems to be more applicable.

    If the tape backups are for specific clients, you can copy the client image folders to remote master.
    The image headers for these clients will need to be exported (using cat_export with -client option) and copied as well.

    See Recovery without Import:

  • I think Marianne's suggestion is the best solution.


    Otherwise the master server names still need to be the same unless you AIR all the backups.

    If in a pinch, adding the master server name to the /etc/hosts file works - but that leaves some doubt about the existing images. The /etc/nodename file can also be edited to change the name.

  • Hello Marianne/Deb

    I now know that the "Recovery without import" is the best method I can use to restore the images on tape to a DR site.

    However, I found that there are some changes made to Netbackup 7.5 where the image metadata is now a part of the Netbackup Relational Database.

    Can you tell me how do I export this relational database from the Netbackup Producton master server to the Netbackup DR master server.



    Do I have to run the 1st level import of the tapes at the DR (which would add this image to the relational database at DR) and then relicate the images (clients whose backups are on tapes) to the image database at the DR ??


  • Hi,


    You can do this.


    Take catalog backup on target master (just to protect it before you start working)
    Configure temp staging location on source master (nbdb_admin –vxdbms_nb_staging /staging)
    Perform backup of catalog to staging area (nbdb_backup –online <directory>-truncate_tlog)
    Backup the images folder on source server
    Restore images folder to the target server (don't overwrite)
    scp /staging area to target master
    Set temp staging location on target master (nbdb_admin –vxdbms_nb_staging /staging)
    Perform cat export from temp staging location (cat_export -all -staging –source_master OLDMASTER)
    Perform cat import from staging location (cat_import -all –staging) <<<You can also selectively import based on client name.
    Verify images (bpimagelist and bplist)
    Perform restores

  • Please have another look at my first reply to your post.

    I explained about image headers that need to be exported using cat_export.

    The pdf in URL that I posted explains the process step-by-step.

    Please download the pdf and see the section explaining post-7.5 steps.

  • Hey Guys,


    I followed the tech note to test "Recovery Without Import". However, the DR Netbackup server says that the host is not assigned to this server in EMM database.

    I can view the media contents using "bpimmedia" and list media options in the EMM but unable to change ownership or display media information using bpmedialist.


    bash-3.2# sudo ./nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid A04030
    NBEMMCMD, Version:
    Media GUID:                     69f9b4fe-fbd5-11e3-8000-8c72f789a5eb
    Media ID:                       A04030
    Partner:                        -
    Media Type:                     HCART
    Volume Group:                   000_00000_TLD
    Application:                    Netbackup
    Media Flags:                    1
    Description:                    ---
    Barcode:                        A04030
    Partner Barcode:                --------
    Last Write Host:                NONE
    Created:                        06/24/2014 16:26
    Time Assigned:                  -
    First Mount:                    -
    Last Mount:                     -
    Volume Expiration:              -
    Data Expiration:                -
    Last Written:                   -
    Last Read:                      -
    Robot Type:                     TLD
    Robot Control Host:             bdrpat5p01
    Robot Number:                   0
    Slot:                           37
    Side/Face:                      -
    Cleanings Remaining:            -
    Number of Mounts:               0
    Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
    Media Status:                   ACTIVE
    Kilobytes:                      0
    Images:                         0
    Valid Images:                   0
    Retention Period:               -
    Number of Restores:             0
    Optical Header Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
    Last Header Offset:             0
    Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Origin Host:                    NONE
    Master Host:                    -
    Server Group:                   -
    Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
    Pool Number:                    1
    Volume Pool:                    NetBackup
    Previous Pool Name:             -
    Vault Flags:                    -
    Vault Container:                -
    Vault Name:                     -
    Vault Slot:                     -
    Session ID:                     -
    Date Vaulted:                   -
    Return Date:                    -
    Media on Hold:                  0
    Command completed successfully.



    bash-3.2# vmquery -m A04030
    media ID:              A04030
    media type:            1/2" cartridge tape (6)
    barcode:               A04030
    media description:     ---
    volume pool:           NetBackup (1)
    robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
    robot number:          0
    robot slot:            37
    robot control host:    bdrpat5p01
    volume group:          000_00000_TLD
    vault name:            ---
    vault sent date:       ---
    vault return date:     ---
    vault slot:            ---
    vault session id:      ---
    vault container id:    -
    created:               Tue Jun 24 16:26:17 2014
    assigned:              ---
    last mounted:          ---
    first mount:           ---
    expiration date:       ---
    number of mounts:      0
    max mounts allowed:    ---

    bash-3.2# sudo ./bpimmedia -mediaid A04030 -l
    IMAGE 9 SQL_Online_Backup_4 15 DR-Dafault-Application-Backup 2 3 5 1403614848 0 0 0 0
    FRAG 2 1 20480000 0 2 6 69 A04030 bthpat5p01 262144 3141538 1401053283 0 0 *NULL* 1417006848 0 6 1 *NULL* 0
    FRAG 2 2 20480000 0 2 6 70 A04030 bthpat5p01 262144 3221540 1401053283 0 0 *NULL* 1417006848 0 6 1 *NULL* 0
    FRAG 2 3 17597920 0 2 6 71 A04030 bthpat5p01 262144 3301542 1401053283 0 0 *NULL* 1417006848 0 6 1 *NULL* 0




    bash-3.2# sudo ./bpmedialist -m A04030
    requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database




  • Hello Riaan,

    We were testing the recovery without import of production backup images (taken to tape using SLP) to the DR

    We followed all the steps as per the "Recovery Without Import" procedure and your previous comment, the bpimagelist runs fine but the tapes on which the image resides Netbackup is unable to recogzine this media @ DR.

    The netbackup media content reports but it fails with " EMM status: Media does not exist" errors. 

  • bash-3.2# sudo ./bpimagelist -client -hoursago 720 | more
    IMAGE 0 0 9 SQL_Online_Backup_4 15 *NULL* SYSTEM Defau
    lt-Application-Backup 2 3 1402937418 14651 1405615818 0 0 139964768 2 1 6 0 SQL_Online_Backup_4_1402937418_UBAK.f
     *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 2287635 0 0 1248 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 *NUL
    L* *NULL* 0 1 0 0
    HISTO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    FRAG 1 1 25600000 0 0 0 0 @aaaaB bthpat5p05 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;bthpat5p05;dp_disk_bthpat5p05;PureDiskVolu
    me;0 1405615818 0 65539 0 0 0 6 0 1402952069 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
    FRAG 1 2 25600000 0 0 0 0 @aaaaB bthpat5p05 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;bthpat5p05;dp_disk_bthpat5p05;PureDiskVolu
    me;0 1405615818 0 65539 0 0 0 6 0 1402952069 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
    FRAG 1 3 25600000 0 0 0 0 @aaaaB bthpat5p05 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;bthpat5p05;dp_disk_bthpat5p05;PureDiskVolu
    me;0 1405615818 0 65539 0 0 0 6 0 1402952069 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
    FRAG 1 4 25600000 0 0 0 0 @aaaaB bthpat5p05 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;bthpat5p05;dp_disk_bthpat5p05;PureDiskVolu
    me;0 1405615818 0 65539 0 0 0 6 0 1402952069 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
    FRAG 1 5 25600000 0 0 0 0 @aaaaB bthpat5p05 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;bthpat5p05;dp_disk_bthpat5p05;PureDiskVolu
    me;0 1405615818 0 65539 0 0 0 6 0 1402952069 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
    FRAG 1 6 11964768 0 0 0 0 @aaaaB bthpat5p05 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;bthpat5p05;dp_disk_bthpat5p05;PureDiskVolu
    me;0 1405615818 0 65539 0 0 0 6 0 1402952069 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
    IMAGE 0 0 9 SQL_Online_Backup_4 15 *NULL* SYSTEM Defau
    lt-Application-Backup 2 3 1402937413 14653 1405615813 0 0 140525792 14 1 6 0 SQL_Online_Backup_4_1402937413_UBAK.
    f *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 2287634 0 0 5040 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 *NU
    LL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0