Forum Discussion

ESM_Admin's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Picking List for Robot


   06/15/2011                                                           Page: 1


      Robot: TLD(7) Vault: OFFSITE Profile: Eject_Only

      Vendor: IBM       Session ID: 9


            Picking List for Robot




   D619          5 07/16/2011      4    2111      NBU YES   


Hello Folks - 


Is there a way to customize the formatting of this report OR to add additional notes (20 - 40 words) at the bottom of the email?

I looked at the report but could not find anything... so any help will be appreciated.





  • I checked around the vault config files and scripts, did not find anything that could change the report content. Not even a notify script (like bpend_notify) that could do some post-processing for vault jobs. Almost sure it is generated from the vault executables.

    Maybe you want to raise a enhancement request to NBU development team:

  • I know we can add more info into the report title, but not sure about the content.

    Will try and test if I can do so...

  • I could modify the subject and the title but looking to modify the template which is used to generate the RPT.

  • I checked around the vault config files and scripts, did not find anything that could change the report content. Not even a notify script (like bpend_notify) that could do some post-processing for vault jobs. Almost sure it is generated from the vault executables.

    Maybe you want to raise a enhancement request to NBU development team: