Point in time restore in Lotus Notes
Hi All,
While doing a point in time restore and changing the Database and Replice ID I am facing an issue and as per the NOTES team the NSF file is having the same Replica ID while digging in the log I am getting the below faliure alert kindly have a look and suggest me what needs to be done.
Master Server : Netbackup 6.0 having HP Unix 11
Media server Netbackup 6.0 having HP Unix 11
Cient : Netbackup 6.0 Windows Server 2003 SP1
16:40:34 07/07/2011: Restore Started
16:42:12 (992286.xxx) Restore job id 992286 will require 1 image.
16:42:12 (992286.xxx) Media id 003887 is needed for the restore.
16:45:22 (992286.001) Restoring from image created Wed 25 May 2011 08:00:44 PM BST
16:45:31 (992286.001) INF - If Media id ##### is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
16:45:33 (992286.001) FTL - Setting debug log path failed!
16:45:35 (992286.001) INF - Waiting for mount of media id #### on server pc4-d4-nb for reading.
16:45:35 (992286.001) INF - TAR STARTED
16:46:16 (992286.001) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id #### on server ##### for reading.
16:47:24 (992286.001) INF - Beginning restore from server ##### to client ######.
16:52:23 (992286.001) TAR - D:\Domino\data\ddm.nsf
16:52:23 (992286.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
16:52:23 (992286.001) UTF - D:\Domino\data\restore7\ddm.
16:52:23 (992286.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 0
16:52:23 (992286.001) INF - TAR RESTORED 1 OF 1 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
16:52:23 (992286.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
16:52:23 (992286.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES
16:52:23 (992286.001) INF - Begin Lotus point in time database recovery to: 26/05/2011 16:40:06 GDT
16:52:23 (992286.001) INF - Transaction Log:f:\S0000001.TXN Required for Recovery
16:52:25 (992286.001) Status of restore from image created Wed May 25 20:00:44 2011 = the requested operation was successfully completed
Restore started 07/07/2011 16:52:23
16:52:28 INF - Server status = 0
16:52:29 (992286.xxx) INF - Status = the requested operation was successfully completed.
16:52:57 (992287.xxx) Restore job id 992287 will require 1 image.
16:52:57 (992287.xxx) Media id 003887 is needed for the restore.
16:56:11 (992287.001) Restoring from image created Wed May 25 20:00:44 2011
16:56:21 (992287.001) INF - If Media id 003887 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
16:56:24 (992287.001) FTL - Setting debug log path failed!
16:56:25 (992287.001) INF - Waiting for mount of media id 003887 on server ##### for reading.
16:56:26 (992287.001) INF - TAR STARTED
16:56:57 (992287.001) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id 003887 on server ##### for reading.
16:57:46 (992287.001) INF - Beginning restore from server pc4-d4-nb to client #######.
16:57:52 (992287.001) TAR - Transaction Logs:\S0000001.TXN~
16:57:52 (992287.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
16:57:52 (992287.001) UTF - f:\\S0000001.TXN
16:57:54 (992287.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 0
16:57:54 (992287.001) INF - TAR RESTORED 1 OF 1 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
16:57:54 (992287.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
16:57:54 (992287.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES
16:57:56 (992287.001) Status of restore from image created Wed May 25 20:00:44 2011 = the requested operation was successfully completed
16:57:58 INF - Server status = 0
16:57:58 (992287.xxx) INF - Status = the requested operation was successfully completed.
16:57:59 (992286.001) ERR - D:\Domino\data\restore7\ddm.
If you have any Netbackup DOC for restoring the Lotus NOTES point in time restore pls provide me also.