Forum Discussion

Graeme_Welsh's avatar
19 years ago

"preview media request failed"


has anyone seen the following error
while in 'Backup, Restore, Archive GUI' and selecting some files to restore, and then clicking on 'preview media required' button, receive the following errror
'preview media request failed : no entity was found (227)'
were using disk staging...

  • Academic Exrecise means you learned something from the event.

    You learned to never delete a file from the staging unit but instead

    1) place all of the images that end with a _C1_F1.ds into /tmp/file minus the _C1_F1.ds

    for i in `cat /tmp/file`
    bpexpdate -d 0 -force -copy 1 -backupid $i

    Then Netbackup will automatically remove the files from the staging unit when the image is expired.
  • Academic Exrecise means you learned something from the event.

    You learned to never delete a file from the staging unit but instead

    1) place all of the images that end with a _C1_F1.ds into /tmp/file minus the _C1_F1.ds

    for i in `cat /tmp/file`
    bpexpdate -d 0 -force -copy 1 -backupid $i

    Then Netbackup will automatically remove the files from the staging unit when the image is expired.
  • ok, cool, running on windows, so the code will be a wee bit different....
    i was unaware u could use bpexpdate to expire copy x of a backup image
    quite clever
    are you doing this because NBU dosent always remove images as iits supposed to?
  • I built my dssu before the capability of STAGING_JOB_KB_LIMIT and MAX_STAGING_JOBS were available. I installed 5.1_MP4 and now I need to merge 3 small dssu's into one. Hence, the expiring of copy 1 to free up the dssu after the image has successfully migrated to tape.