Forum Discussion

wardog25's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

Pricing for Netbackup & Hyper-V

I realize we'd have to get a quote, but does anyone know ballpark pricing for this?


We currently use Netbackup 6.5.4 and have licensing for clients with Exchange, SQL, and a few other odds and ends.


If we wanted to add the licensing to backup Hyper-V hosts (so that the VMs are backed up live and can be restored easily), what kindof costs are we looking at?

  • Like you said, you'd need to get a quote. MSRP would be about 15.5k if you want to stream staight to tape (i.e. it includes a media server license), about 7.7k if you're ok with sending it over the LAN.


    That would include all licenses that allow you to do hyperV backups (backing up the virtual machines), and also the databases that might reside inside it.


    Dont have a heart attack, that price unlocks the hyperV host, you can have unlimited guests.


    That price is on the highest reward band in my region.


    Please get a quote from your local partner.


    If what i said is wrong, sorry, if its too high sorry, if its too low, sorry, and if i've misread the licensing guide, sorry, and if you've misread what I meant, sorry one last time :)

    Thats for Windows guests only (not sure if hyperV can do anything else like Vmware can).


    If you're maybe still the HyperV evaluation phase, take a look at these limitations of HyperV and the "clustered" file system.


    There is a limitation of software-based snapshots in the
    architecture of Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volumes.
    According to this article Microsoft
    recommends to back up VMs serially when software snapshots are used.

    However, there is another article regarding the hardware snapshot providers that says that
    these types of VSS providers do not have such a restriction.



  • Like you said, you'd need to get a quote. MSRP would be about 15.5k if you want to stream staight to tape (i.e. it includes a media server license), about 7.7k if you're ok with sending it over the LAN.


    That would include all licenses that allow you to do hyperV backups (backing up the virtual machines), and also the databases that might reside inside it.


    Dont have a heart attack, that price unlocks the hyperV host, you can have unlimited guests.


    That price is on the highest reward band in my region.


    Please get a quote from your local partner.


    If what i said is wrong, sorry, if its too high sorry, if its too low, sorry, and if i've misread the licensing guide, sorry, and if you've misread what I meant, sorry one last time :)

    Thats for Windows guests only (not sure if hyperV can do anything else like Vmware can).


    If you're maybe still the HyperV evaluation phase, take a look at these limitations of HyperV and the "clustered" file system.


    There is a limitation of software-based snapshots in the
    architecture of Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volumes.
    According to this article Microsoft
    recommends to back up VMs serially when software snapshots are used.

    However, there is another article regarding the hardware snapshot providers that says that
    these types of VSS providers do not have such a restriction.



  • Thanks for the info.   I realize it is guesswork, I just needed ballpark figures anyway.


    So is that price "per host" and "per year"?

  • Yes, per host. License and one year essential maintenance. You should be able get quite a big discount on that depending on your partner.

  • Keep in mind that pricing is region specific, and also based on the number of physical CPU's that are in the host.  Thus, more cores is better than more CPU's when it comes to licensing ;-)  

    What was thrown out, is very high and may not be US dollars, or it could be based on a 4CPU+ system...  So rather than asking for budgetary numbers, just ask your reseller for an MSRP quote.

  • FYi


    Region is EMEA, TIER is 2, Rewards Band E, Prices are MSRP no discount, Licenses included were

    1. Enterprise Server
    2. Enterprise Client
    3. DB/Application Pack
    4. Standard Client

    1,2,3,4 gives you the higher total

    2,3,4 gives you around 50% of that.


    This was supplied to give a ball park figure :) Obivously there are a lot of factors involved.