Forum Discussion

Christoph_Eiche's avatar
15 years ago

Problem with registering DataDomain OST Storage Server

Hi all

i have a problem whit integrating a DataDoman DD660 Appliance in to NBU 6.5.5 We are using one Master Server which is not intended to do Backups and two Media Servers whit the Devices attached. I allready installed the DataDomain Plugin on the Media Servers for Troubleshooting also on the Master Server.

So i am able to register the Storage Server on the Master Server itself whit the nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server "Storageservername" -stype DataDomain -st 9 -media_server "Masterservername" command

But now when i try to register it on a Media Server with the command  nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server "Storageservername" -stype DataDomain -st 9 -media_server "MEDIAservername" i get the following Error:

RDSM has encountered an issue with STS where the server was not found: getStorageServerInfo
Failed to create storage server "Storageservername", invalid command parameter

Does anybody know a Solution to this.

Any help much appreciated

kind regards

  • Hi all

    so the Problem is solved. Thanks for your Input

    The DD Box has resoveld the wrong IP Adress from the DNS Servers. As soon as i tried to register the Storage Server the Storage Server responded over the wrong IP and nbdevconfig never got a response.

    This was a Layer 8 Problem :-)

    kind regards


  • The following excerpt from one of the de-duplication guides but may have some relevance:

    The following information may help you resolve a server not found error message that may occur during configuration.

    Error message Server not found, invalid command parameter
    Example             RDSM has encountered an issue with STS where
                                  the server was not found: getStorageServerInfo
                                  Failed to create storage server ssname, invalid
                                  command parameter
    Diagnosis           Possible root causes:
    • When you configured the storage server, you selected a media server that runs an unsupported operating system. All media servers in your environment appear in the Storage Server Configuration Wizard; be sure to select only a media server that runs a supported operating system.
    • If you used the nbdevconfig command to configure the storage server, you may have typed the host name incorrectly. Also, case matters for the storage server type...

  • Hi Andy

    thanks for your Suggestions. The Media Servers are the same OS as the Master Server. We are running Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 which is supported as Media Server or am i wrong here?

    Second where can i find the Storage Server Configuration Wizard ? I can't find this Wizard. What is also strange is that i can not create a new Storage Server when i go to -> Media and Device Management -> Credentials Here the Option New (Ins) is greyed out. I thought this could be a License issue, but i have added the License and i can see it as Open Storage Disk Option.

    i also checked misstyping of Hostnames and so but no luck atm.



  • Looks like that's just a NB7-ism. The de-dupe guide was also for NB7, just thought it might give you something to go at....

  • Bear(?) with me here as this is yet another aspect of NB we don't utilise - just reading the manual!

    Run the following nbdevconfig command on the master server or on one of the media servers:
    nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type -st storage_type -media_server media_server

    Doesn't this "create an OpenStorage storage server in NetBackup"? So once it's created that's it? It's just the plug-in that needs to be on all: "Install the plug-in on all NetBackup media servers that connect to the appliance."

  • Hi Andy

    First of all thank you for your patience.

    Maybe i have to clear up some things. The DataDomain Appliance is allready registered as Storage Server in NetBackup, but i only was able to register it, when i used the Master Server as Value in -media_server when i executed the nbdevconfig command. So the Storage Server is visible in Credentials. But we don't wan't to do Backups whit the Master Server. But when i now create a OST LSU i can only choose the Master Server as Media Server in the LSU Configuration.

    To get the other two Media Servers into the Configuration, i think i should be able to run the the nbdevconfig command whit the Values of both Media Servers in the parameter -media_server. After that i should be able to choose the Media Servers in the LSU Configuration.

    I also allready tried to use -updatests parameter but then i get a similiar error bit whit busy resource.


  • Hi Anton

    exactly at this Point the Error is happening. When i use the Master Server as Media Server all is fine, but not with the Media Servers. When i try to register the Storage Server whit the Media Servers the above error occures.

    I think i file a Case for this


  • Hi all

    so the Problem is solved. Thanks for your Input

    The DD Box has resoveld the wrong IP Adress from the DNS Servers. As soon as i tried to register the Storage Server the Storage Server responded over the wrong IP and nbdevconfig never got a response.

    This was a Layer 8 Problem :-)

    kind regards
