Forum Discussion

dpx_99's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

Puredisk -MSDP [how to convert advance disk to puredisk on media server]

Hi Experts,
On media server [NBU 7.7.3 windows 2008 R2 standard] , 5 logical volumes are configured.
I want to configure and utilize free space and make one volume for MSDP.
windows partitions or drives are configured in this way.
V: - advanced disk : 5TB => empty
W : advanced disk : 5TB => empty
x: advanced disk : 5TB => 12G used deduplication meta data
Y: Puredisk : MSDP : 5TB => 3TB used for backup
Z: advanced disk : 5TB => empty
In windows 2008 i'm not sure if i can merge the other volumes to Y: drive, Is there any way to make a one volume ? or do i need to de-stag backup to tape or other disk and delete and recreate one big partition.
should i delete all advanced disk from netbackup console and then from server?
Which approach is best ? please suggest.
Thank you
  • Hey

    I would have duplicated to tapes whatever you have on MSDP - then removed all these STUs - adv and MSDP , then either on storage end created one big LUN and present it back to your server and formatted as one drive letter only. If this is not possible try with convering these volumes to dynamic disk and then do concatenation on them to have one big drive letter. They lay down there back MSDP....

    • dpx_99's avatar
      Level 4

      quebek, many thanks ,

      just to understand well : first i need to duplicate existing data to tape or SAN disk and then remove basic disk from storage unit groups -> storage units -> remove all partitions on windows -> recreate one big partition ->add new storage unit as puredisk -> configure storage unit groups

      Is that procedure OK ? or i miss something,



      • quebek's avatar


        Once duplicated backup images to the other location - you need to expire the copy on current storage units. Reconfigure policies, SLPs do not point to the STUs you are going to remove. Also you most probably want to remove the storage server for advanced disk - if this is not going to be used.