Forum Discussion

GopikrishnaSG's avatar
9 years ago

Query to get nodes with more than six months retention


Could some one help me with query to get all clients with more than six months retention.

any help is greatly appreciated.



  • Are you looking for policy schedules with more than 6 months retention or backup images with more than 6 months retention?

    Can you give us a list of retention levels used in your environment? Default retention levels or anything that was customized?


    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6

      Try bpimagelist as a start to get a list of images that are 6 months and older:

      bpimagelist -d 01/01/1970 -e 08/07/2016. You can then save the output to a text file and use OS utilities (grep, findstr, etc) to extract client name and any other information that you may need.

      Please always mention OS and NBU version...