Forum Discussion

ParagDharurkar's avatar
5 years ago

question on configuring replication using storage unit group

HI All,

Is there any limitation on the configuring AIR using storage groups?

i created SLP where i have selected destination storage as storage unit group in backup operation then i was not allowed to select any single target master server in replication operation and also getting error like'the source copy for duplication to remote copy must specify storage unit".

Is this limitation or i am doing wrong here.

Please suggest


Thank you.


  • davidmoline's avatar
    5 years ago

    Not really and why would you want to.

    Remember AIR implies some form of optimised storage is in use, so it makes no sense to use a storage unit group where data could be sent to one of a number of storage pools. This would be very inefficient in relation to storage consumed. 

    If what you are trying to achieve is some form of load balancing at the far end, then setup media server load balancing storage pools (if the storage server supports this - MSDP does).

    If you are looking for high availability, then you are out of luck - the storage pool does become a single point of failure. About the only way to manage that is to duplicate the copy at the destination as a secondary operation after the import.

    • ParagDharurkar's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you for reply. do we have any workaround for same ? 

      is there any way so we can setup AIR using storage unit group?

      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        Not really and why would you want to.

        Remember AIR implies some form of optimised storage is in use, so it makes no sense to use a storage unit group where data could be sent to one of a number of storage pools. This would be very inefficient in relation to storage consumed. 

        If what you are trying to achieve is some form of load balancing at the far end, then setup media server load balancing storage pools (if the storage server supports this - MSDP does).

        If you are looking for high availability, then you are out of luck - the storage pool does become a single point of failure. About the only way to manage that is to duplicate the copy at the destination as a secondary operation after the import.