Forum Discussion

cs3472's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Reconfigure Tape Library

We are planning to decommission one of the media server (Sun OS) in our environment. We have a EDL device attached to that media server.

Now we need to move that device to another media server (HPUX) and make the library work as before.

Please help me out with the steps taken to make it configure in the other media server.

  • Apologies, but I think we need a bit more detail regarding how the EDL is configured before anyone can begin to give any reasonable useful advice on how to approach this task.

    I believe that EMC EDL (VTL) libraries can be configured in several ways - i.e. your EDL may already be operating in one of several different manners/configurations - e.g. a plain VTL (i.e. D2D), or as a VTL that is used as temporary staging space before NetBackup then duplicates to tape (i.e. D2D2T), or even again as a D2D2T type configuration, but with the EDL doing the duplications to a tape library that is directly attached to the EDL and not to the NetBackup media server (SunOS).

    Are you sure the OS of the media server is SunOS and not Solaris?

    Apologies, but you simply haven't given us enough topology or configuration detail to work with.  We can give some general ideas about re-assigning the virtual media from one media server to another, but we have no idea whether we'd be giving you a good steer or not.  Would you be willing to provide a bit more detail re your current configuration of both hardware and NetBackup software?  Thanks.

  • Thanks sdo,

    I believe the below post and the rough environment setup helps you to get better idea.

    We have a EMC Virtual tape library. This has been partitioned into two VTL  libraries. (Plain Library)

    Node A:

    - This has a robot control host connected and some drives are made visible to this media server (this is the one which we are going to decommission)

    - Another media server is connected to the same node in which remaining drives are made visible.

    Now we need to move the robot control host from media server (Sun OS) to the below media server (HP-UX)

    Let me know if any more information is required.



  • Ok, so the action/task is to "replace" a media server.  These should help get you started with planning:


    I think the next best step, would be for you to develop an outline plan, and post that plan back here and some of us will help you refine the plan i.e. possibly help you with suggestions of actual commands to run, or more probably help you with topics/points to consider and check and think about.  HTH.

  • Thanks for the post...

    The version of the Netbackup which we are using is 6.5.

    Could you help us on how to proceed with this version of Netbackup. We know that this version has reached EOSL. But before we could proceed with the upgrade, we would like to sort out this Library issue.


  • If you are on NBU 6.5.6 then nbdecommission will work. Manual steps are listed in this TN: and the Solution in this post:
  • Thanks Marianne,

    we have done the following steps to solve it

    1) Unpresent & re-present the zoning of Tape Library to new Media server

    2) Deleted & Re-configured the tape drives which were problematic thorugh CLI

    3) Recycle the NBU services in the new media server

    4) Tested the backups with 6 different drives and all working fine