Forum Discussion

CadenL's avatar
Level 6
7 years ago

Reconfiguring SLPs to change duplication destination


I have a NetBackup 8.1 environment running on Linux with a single master media server at one site and a Linux media server at a second site.

All backups first go to the master\media server's MSDP and then duplicated to the MSDP on the media server at site 2. 

For some time now, the duplicates to site2 have been very erratic dues to hardware and inter-site link problems on the media server and most of the duplicate jobs have failed, they then re-attempt and may be successful but will often fail again - I believe the nature of SLPs will mean they keep trying - which is fine as I need the data duplicated somehow.

So I now want to add a tape library to the master\media server at site 1 and duplicate the data to this rather than the over the link to site 2.

I need to get the backup images that are re-attmepting to duplicate to site 2 to now duplicate to the tape library - can this be done?

I know I can reconfigure the SLP for any new backup images , but it's the ones that are still trying to go to site 2 I want to make to the tape library. I'd rather not have to manually duplicate all the images from copy 1 unless this can be scripted somehow.

hope that makes sense

kind regards

  • Run nbstl <slp_name> -all_versions -L

    This would tell you how many versions of slp are currently present and their configuration. make a note of the residence for backup and duplication from the output for each version

    Modify the slp via the command line
    nbstl <slp_name> -modify_version -version <version_number> -residence <backup_stu>,<new_stu_for_duplication>

    Run the earlier command once again to verify the modification are done.. Since you are changing the storage unit from disk to tape you would need to run the command once again to update the volume pool as well or combine it in the same command as the default pool selected would be NetBackup

    The changes made from the command line would not affect any SLP duplication jobs which may be currently active in the activity monitor so you would need to ensure no SLP duplication jobs are running when you execute the command
    • CadenL's avatar
      Level 6

      ok - great

      I'll give that a go and give an update once it's complete.

      many thanks

    • CadenL's avatar
      Level 6


      Can you clarify if the command suggested is done at an SLP level or will need to be done for each image that uses the SLP?

      I have over 100,000 slp images that I will need to divert the duplication fora and just want to clarify if I just need to run the modify command for the single SLP they are using or if I need to run the command for each of the 100,000 images?

      If it's not the first one then this would be an impractable solution unless there's a script I can use and run it against the total number of images.

      kind regards

      • Amol_Nair's avatar
        Level 6
        The command runs at SLP level.. but again it depends how many versions of SLP you have and whether all the 100,000 images are under the same slp version.. If all these images are for the same slp version then you just need to execute the command once..