recover the images from the expired tape
Hi All,
can i recover the images in the tape was expired and deleted in netbackup6.5
bpexpdate expires images from NBU image database and deassigns tape.
vmdelete deletes the tape from NBU volume database.
None of those delete the data on tape.
Where is tape at the moment? In robotic library or do you want to use standalone tape drive to import tape?
If in robot, inventory the robot to re-add the tape to NBU volume database.
If standalone drive, use vmadd or Media section of the GUI to add the tape.
Move tape to a pool that will not be used for backups to prevent media from being overwritten (suggestion - create IMPORT or RESTORE pool and move tape into this pool).You should now be able to do phase 1 and 2 import.
Follow steps in this TN:
If you are still getting errors trying to import, please post exact error message or a screen shot.