Forum Discussion

ontheark's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Recovery issue

Hi All,

We have two media servers (mediasr1 & mediasr2) with the same ddboost storage unit configured.

On the mediasr1 the ddboost device configured over FC & mediasr2 the same ddboost device is configured over IP. We are trying to restore the data backed up from DDBoost over FC to mediasr1 using the mediasr2 where the storage server is configured over IP (10G).

We are receiving the following error when trying the above restore:

07/01/2014 14:44:23 - begin Restore
07/01/2014 14:44:24 - restoring from image cdcumediasr6_1404202083
07/01/2014 14:44:24 - Warning bprd (pid=21297) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on Tue 08 Jul 2014 01:38:03 PM IST
07/01/2014 14:44:24 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:01
07/01/2014 14:44:24 - requesting resource @aaaax
07/01/2014 14:44:24 - Error nbjm (pid=8315) NBU status: 2107, EMM status: Requested media server does not have credentials or is not configured for the storage server
07/01/2014 14:44:24 - Error nbjm (pid=8315) NBU status: 2107, EMM status: Requested media server does not have credentials or is not configured for the storage server
allocation failed  (10)

Would like to know if the restore is possible or missing some configuration?

  • it looks like its using the 2nd media server to read the data and trying to do the restore

    try this setting and let us know how it goes

    Create the touch file USE_BACKUP_MEDIA_SERVER_FOR_RESTORE in/usr/openv/netbackup/db/config (<install path>\veritas\netbackup\db\config on Windows) – this is a global setting that always forces restore to the server that did the backup.

    then Trigger the restore

  • So, mediasr1 did the backup, but you want to use mediasr2 for the restore?

    What exactly have you done to send restore request to mediasr2?

    Have you added credentials for mediasr1's Storage Server on mediasr2?
    tpconfig -add -storage_server <name> -stype DataDomain -sts_user_id <username> -password <password> )

    Do both media servers have access to same DD LSU?

  • @Marianne... both media servers have access to the same DD LSU. However the data transfer from mediasr1 is over FC so the storage server on mediasr1 is added as DFC-server. And the data transfer from mediasr2 is happening over IP (10G) and the storage server created is a non DFC.

    The mediasr2 media server is able to restore from other media servers who have the same LSU over IP (10G) but giving an error only when trying to restore data backed up from DDBOOST over FC.

  • mediasr2 needs credentials for mediasr1's Storage Server to allow restore.

    I cannot see a way around that.

  • There can only be one Data Domain BOOST user. So it both media server 1 and 2 accsses the same LSU they both have the same storage server passwords.