Forum Discussion

Will_Restore's avatar
10 years ago

Recovery without import valid in NBU7.6 ?

We are getting ready to stand up a new Master server with different hostname than current.  Can we use Recovery without Import process to transder client backup images without having to import hundreds of tapes (and without having to engage professional services) ?


TECH28722 has been updated recently though the attachment is from 2012.

  • It doesn't mention it - I think it's just not been updated as I don't know of any catalog changes that would prevent it working, so I'm going to stick my neck out and say give it a go ...

    I was playing with a catalog (mine before anyone gets concerned) the other day and pretty much did a recovery without import (as far as the files were visible in the BAR GUI) but didn't actually run a restore. 

    However as above, there is no reason I am aware of as to why it won't work.


    (Hopefully this won't come back to bite me ...)

  •  TECH28722  was updated on  

    You will see that the doc applies to NetBackup 7.0, 7.1, 7.5

    Since the migration of catalog image headers was introduced in NBU 7.5 and still in place in 7.6, the doc can be used for 7.6 as well.
    The update for 7.5 is just not added in 'document control', but 7.5 updates can be found throughout the pdf. 



10 Replies

  • In a word, yes.

    Note, you can only read from a tape imported in this way, not write to it, until it expires.

  • I am using a mobile device at the moment, so, unable to check the TN attachment. As long as the doc mentions 7.5 and later and covers cat_export and cat_import, then yes, applicable to 7.5 and 7.6.
  • It doesn't mention it - I think it's just not been updated as I don't know of any catalog changes that would prevent it working, so I'm going to stick my neck out and say give it a go ...

    I was playing with a catalog (mine before anyone gets concerned) the other day and pretty much did a recovery without import (as far as the files were visible in the BAR GUI) but didn't actually run a restore. 

    However as above, there is no reason I am aware of as to why it won't work.


    (Hopefully this won't come back to bite me ...)

  • In short yes, but for NBU 7.5+ additional steps are required.

    Because any 7.5+ NBU will not look in image header files (they are expected to be in the EMM), after performing the recovery without import from any pre-7.5 source, you need to tell NBU to look for the header files (LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS), and if you're recovering from 7.5+ source, you need to do cat_import and cat_export.

    This is described with important addition here

  •  TECH28722  was updated on  

    You will see that the doc applies to NetBackup 7.0, 7.1, 7.5

    Since the migration of catalog image headers was introduced in NBU 7.5 and still in place in 7.6, the doc can be used for 7.6 as well.
    The update for 7.5 is just not added in 'document control', but 7.5 updates can be found throughout the pdf. 



  • Reading through the Highly Available Environments Guide and this is the "show stopper" ...

    The DR server must have the same name as the production master server.


    So is there no way to do this with different hostnames? 


  • Do not confuse the 2 docs. Recovery Without Import is MEANT for masters with different hostnames.
  • I am confused as Technote refers back to the Guide.  :/


    So, ignore the Guide and follow only what's in the Technote?

  • Recovery without import.pdf (347.03 KB) White Paper does not mention the HA Guide.

    Which TN are you referring to?

    If you are using Recovery Without Import and NOT Catalog replication, or NOT using catalog recovery, you do not need the 'Related Articles'.

  • TECH200290 This article provides additional information and clarification to the section on Partial Catalog Replication in the Highly Available Environments Administrators Guide. 

    Since we're not using Replication, we'll just follow the White Paper Partial Catalog Recovery