Reload Solaris 10 operating system on Master/Media server.
Master/Media server Solaris 10
Netbackup 7.1
Due to an 'unstable problematic' server we have decided to reload the Solaris operating system on this server.
Without changing anything, what would be the easiest way of doing this?
The system is still alive and Ok, the server/backups just hangs with 'Failed trying to fork a process' condition.
As per the Systems Engineer the solution would be to reload the OS.
Not just 'prefer' - it's a requirement. EMM will not recover and startup correctly if not EXACTLY the same version.
NBU must also be installed in exacty the same folder. On Solaris, NBU installs by default in /opt/openv with symbolic link to /usr/openv.Another way to confirm patch levels (1st one is Server patch and 2nd is Client patch - both needed on NBU server):
# cat /usr/openv/netbackup/version
# cat /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/versionPLEASE go through the catalog recovery section in NBU Troubleshooting Guide.
Steps are summarized in this TN (but does not replace Troubleshooting Guide):