12 years agoLevel 4
Remove Media Server in Master Server Netbackup
Hello everyone,
I have a big problem that I need to remove my media server from the master server of my Netbackup Appliance 5220.
I checked and saw a TECH decomission would remove via command line and move all the images if you have to master.
In my case I have the NetBackup Appliance and extensor disk not use tapes.
I have nothing to transfer the media to the Master.
What I need to do is remove everything that has reference of my media because I will not have.
When I try to remove Disk Pools, Media Server, it does not remove, it just gives the error that can not be removed "Unknown exception message (Status 193)".
Outside the tech below I consulted someone would know something else I need to do to remove?
Thank you,
Julian Santos
did u try nbdecomission command
although there are no more valid images on the media server plz verify below links: