Forum Discussion

Juliano_Moreira's avatar
12 years ago

Remove Media Server in Master Server Netbackup

Hello everyone,
I have a big problem that I need to remove my media server from the master server of my Netbackup Appliance 5220.
I checked and saw a TECH decomission would remove via command line and move all the images if you have to master.
In my case I have the NetBackup Appliance and extensor disk not use tapes.
I have nothing to transfer the media to the Master.
What I need to do is remove everything that has reference of my media because I will not have.
When I try to remove Disk Pools, Media Server, it does not remove, it just gives the error that can not be removed "Unknown exception message (Status 193)".
Outside the tech below I consulted someone would know something else I need to do to remove?
Thank you,
Julian Santos


    did u try  nbdecomission command

    although there are no more valid images on the media server plz verify below links:


  • Okay. thank you very much.
    Unable to remove, the problem is that it had assigned SLP Policies and off and that was also linked.
    I'm doing this to prepare your environment to receive AIR - Auto Image Replication.
    I believe that this case would have to open a new topic to discuss, but still if you can spend some documentation or some place where you can do the installation, could u give me?
    I know I need to climb the other side a Master server also. Beyond that is the same process that the Media Server in relation to include SLP, and Disk Storage Pool?
    Juliano Santos


    did u try  nbdecomission command

    although there are no more valid images on the media server plz verify below links:


  • Some questions ,

    Are there any duplications running ? Did you try to deactivate the SLP ?

  • If I disable the SLP does not help because it was already disabled and assigned. The result was a solution where marked.
    Still appreciate everyone's help.
  • Have you gone through the first TN in sri vani's post?

    It explains how to deal with SLP's and expire disk images before disk pool can be removed.

    Please execute steps as per the TN and show us output of each step/command as you do them...

  • Hello,
    Sorry for not checking the solution, I forgot to schedule this was the most useful post of vani.