Forum Discussion

bc1410's avatar
Level 6
4 years ago

Removing OLD Expired scratch tapes from netbackup


we are on Netbackup 8.2 Redhat linux environment.. Using LT07 tapes now a days..  One server as both master/media.

I have a bunch (over 200) of old LT05 tapes in our netbackup system that are scratched and not assigned...They will be destoryed eventually by Iron Mtn..   

I have verified these tapes are all in the "SCRATCH" pool.   We havent used LT05 tapes or drives in a long while..

Is there a proper was to delete them from Netbackup or can I just highlight them in the netbackup Admin Console and right click then select DELETE?






  • Hi bc1410 

    Martin said it :)

    And just to add a bit of info. 

    Netbackup will not let you delete a tape if it's assigned (contain active backup images).

    For auditing purposes it may be beneficial to register the deletion of these tape in a change or ticket. It is then logged  tapes are shredded and not "lost".

    • bc1410's avatar
      Level 6

      thank you both!!!


      We have all the tapes accounted for in a spreadsheet... The ones we plan on deleting from Netbackup to go to Iron Mtn for destruction..


      Thanks Again...