Replace hardware of MSDP media server
We have NBU 7.7.1 Windows 2012 media server with 20TB MSDP. MSDP disks are presented via SAN. We need to replace this server with new hardware. We will not change the hostname or IP address of the server. I know that the procedure is written in the deduplication guide ( ) but I do not want to expire the images (without deleting) and then import them.
Is there a way to do this with the following procedure
1- Install win2012 to new media server
2- Install NBU 7.7.1 to new media server.
3- Deactivate old media server.
4- Unplug MSDP disks from old media server and present the disks to new media server via SAN with the same drive letter.
5- Shutdown old media server and give old media server's IP to new media server.
6- Configure MSDP on new media server with disks that are came from old media server and use the same paths for storage and database.
7- Test backup and restore operations.
The most important step is 6. I am not sure that new media server will read the images on the disk. Because in a normal MSDP configuration, we are presenting empty disk to media server. But this time, the MSDP disk will be full of backup images.
Any idea?