Forum Discussion
- Mark_SolutionsLevel 6
Always complicated this one so lets hope i get this right!
You need one Application and Database License (tiered correctly) for each mailbox server.
You also need a client license per mailbox server and also for CAS, Edge and HUB servers.
Of course if all of it is hosted on VMWare other rules can apply - that gets even more complicated!
- hsingh12Level 3
Thanks for teh reply
But we dont have VMWare setup.
all the server are stand alone physical servers.
current configuration is as follow.
Netbackup 7.5 master/media server ( standard server licenses)@1
Netpackup 7.5 client ( standard client license)@8
the cureent setup is working properly.
The new setup will be
Exchange2010 mailbox cluster server( 2 cluster servers)
to support exchange20 there are 4 HubCase servers.
Need to create the backup solution for exchange2010 with the preinstalled netbackup 7.5 (standard licenses).
1. How many exchange licenses ( name of licenses)
2. How many server license( name of license)
3. How many client license( nane of license)
what are the others things need to create the sucesfull backup.
- Mark_SolutionsLevel 6
Your server license sounds OK then
For the exchange components you will need:
You will need 2 x NetBackup Appliacation and Database Pack Options (Tiered)
You will need 6 x NetBackup Client Licenses (Not Tiered)
Tier 1 - 1 physical processor (no matter how many cores / threads)
Tier 2 - 2 or 3 physical processors
Tier 3 - 4 to 7 physical processors
Tier 4 - 8 or more physical processors
Hope this helps - double check it all with your Symantec Partner
For a successful backup work through the NetBackup Exchange Admin guide to make sure everything is setup right - and if you want to do Granular backups you will need to back up to disk
- hsingh12Level 3
TSE suggest us to use the " enterprise client license" to take the exchange 2010 backup
- Mark_SolutionsLevel 6
That may be the case ... if you back up the 2010 infrastructure via the DAG name you have to use snapshot backups so if that is you plan the two mailbox servers would need to use Enteprise clients
I will see if i can confirm that for you
- Mark_SolutionsLevel 6
If you have Standard Edition NetBackup then i don't think you can use an Enterprise Clinent though .. and would need to upgrade you server license to Enterprise Sever too .. will keep digging for you ...
- hsingh12Level 3
what will be the best solution to baclup the exchange 2010 with Standard Edition NetBackup.
what are the licenses or any other agent application required for the same???
- hsingh12Level 3
what will be the solution to do the backup of exchange 2010 with STD 7.5 MM server and client.
- Mark_SolutionsLevel 6
Sorry - been tied up - i am looking into this for you to get a firm answer
- J_MCCOLLLevel 4
Hsingh, you are best to read the Admin Guide to determine and then configure your backup solution.
Every environment is different and should not be advised adhoc. If you have a solution that you would like to implement post it here and we would happily confirm or correct it, but if you have no solution then you would be best suited to contacting your Symantec RTAM or BCAM and asking for some consultancy work. This could easily be developed and implemented, with a configured Exchange environment in place, in a 3 day period with configuration, deployment and testing.
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