Forum Discussion

  • Hi Marianne,

    thanks for replay. its just showing policy name in details tab.nothing going to progress after that.
  • That means it's not even getting to resource allocation.
    Has this policy worked before? Are other policies working?
    Give more detail about your config:
    Master server O/S, Media server(s) details.

    Are all services/daemons running on the master and media servers?

    Services/daemons that should be running on a Master server:

    Services/daemons that should be running on a Media server:

  • Hi Marianne,

    Thanks for your support.yes policy working before but from last evening issue started.

    Matsre serve OS:- solaris 9 (NBU 6.5.3)
    Media server OS :-  solaris 9 (NBU 6.5.3)

    I check all demons.its working fine. but backup not allocate resource.

  • Please post output of 'bpps -x' on the master server.
    Have you tried to stop and restart all processes, including PBX?
  • What is the output from vmoprcmd command?
    Here below is example from my system - notice the ACTIVE Host status

                               HOST STATUS
    Host Name                                  Version   Host Status
    =========================================  =======   ===========
    MMNBU                                   654000    ACTIVE

                                    PENDING REQUESTS


                                      DRIVE STATUS

    Drive Name               Label   Ready  RecMID  ExtMID  Wr.Enbl.  Type
        Host                       DrivePath                            Status
    IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.000      No      No                     No        hcart3
        MMNBU                                       {6,0,0,0}                            ACS

  • Hi
    check of the OS has corrected driver for library robot,also right driver for tape drives.
    then restart Netbackup services ,,, check if  vmd and oprd servers terminated
    ps -ef | grep oprd, ps -ef | grep vmd
    Run Configure storage Device wizard to take correct drivers.
    after go to Device tab and check connectivity with devices

    kind regards.
  • Policy name is on the Job Overview tab.  Check the Detailed Status tab for more information.
  • Thanks all for you support. now issue resolved.nbrb process hang that why backup not runing.i restart nbrb process and backup run smothly. thanks once again for your support.