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the_man_orange's avatar
14 years ago

Restore activity monitor logs

I use Linux master server in my Netbackup envirioment. From time to time I have to remove old logs to release more free space on OS filesystems. I backup up them (/usr/opnev/netbackup/logs) and remove the oldest one. Right now I have logs from last 5 days shown in Activity Monitor console. Unfortunetly I need all logs from last month to know what backups were done and what media were used for that. I have backups logs from that period but I don't know what should I do. Recover all logs /usr/opnev/netbackup/logs from that period to actual envirioment? What sould I do to see all old logs in Activity Monitor Console instead only form last 5 days?

Is there any other option from command line to show logs from that period? I tried to use bpdbjobs but I cannot find any useful informaton in that files /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/*.log

  • Activity monitor info is not saved in logs folder - it is saved in jobs database (/usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs).

    The info that you need is also stored in the image database and is kept for as long as images are valid (not expired).

    The command to get this info is something like:

    bpimagelist -media -client <client-name> -d <start-date> -e <end-date> -U

    NBU reports that will also have this info (expired backups as well) is 'all log entries' - kept in 'error' database (/usr/openv/netbackup/db/error). This info is kept for 28 days by default. If you have backups of this folder, it will probably be easier to restore these files and read them rather than trying to restore jobs database.

  • Activity monitor info is not saved in logs folder - it is saved in jobs database (/usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs).

    The info that you need is also stored in the image database and is kept for as long as images are valid (not expired).

    The command to get this info is something like:

    bpimagelist -media -client <client-name> -d <start-date> -e <end-date> -U

    NBU reports that will also have this info (expired backups as well) is 'all log entries' - kept in 'error' database (/usr/openv/netbackup/db/error). This info is kept for 28 days by default. If you have backups of this folder, it will probably be easier to restore these files and read them rather than trying to restore jobs database.

  • Thank you for quick answer.Unfortunetly backup images are expired that's why I cannot check it with catalog database.

    I have backup of /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error logs so I can recover them.

    Is it possible to update but not overwrite /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs in some way to have activity monitor logs form period what i need? How can I grab usefull information from that location?



  • You can change the defaults with bp.conf entries.

    Extract from Admin Guide I:

    To change the default values on a permanent basis, change the entries in the
    bp.conf file.

    For example, add the following entry to the bp.conf file:
    Where 192 is the number of hours that unsuccessful jobs are kept in the jobs
    database or Activity Monitor display.
    For example, to change the retention of successful jobs, add the following entry:
    Where 192 is the number of hours that successful jobs are kept in the jobs database
    or Activity Monitor display.
    Consider the following notes when changing the default values:
    ■ The default values for KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS and KEEP_JOBS_HOURS
    is 78 hours.
    ■ The retention period values are measured against the time the job ended.
    ■ Information about successful jobs cannot be kept longer than information
    about unsuccessful jobs. If KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS is greater than
    ■ If KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS is set to 0, bpjobd uses the KEEP_JOBS_HOURS
    bpdbjobs value instead for successful jobs.
    If the KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS value is greater than 0 but less than
    KEEP_JOBS_HOURS, KEEP_JOBS_HOURS is used for unsuccessful jobs only.